1. 35,331 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 198

    ”Here is a list of some professional occupations of people who could have spoken out and said
    GP Doctors
    All hospital doctors, nurses, administration.
    All Business managers
    Social work
    Australian Defense Force
    Worksafe Australia

    Yes they are ALL complicit in this Genocide.

    When people finally wake up (which appears to be very unlikely to happen) to the fact that most of the upper levels of power in the above list of Organisations are all committed members of the Satanic Baby Raping Cannibal Death Cult, then they might get a handle on why they do the things they do.

    The holders of power in the above list are part and parcel of this Worldwide Genocide,

    The thing that most of these evil freaks don’t get is that, they too, are scheduled for this Genocide by the powers/entities that rule from above them.

    The blind are leading the blind and the dumb as a box of rocks are leading the dumb as a box of rocks.

    It’s past due time to hold these evil weirdos to account. If not, it will be good night nurse for everyone......... including the brainless moderator and management of HC that are destined to meet the same fate as the rest of us.

    It’s the cowards in humanity and in our wider community and society that are to blame for the dilemma that confronts all of us........ they all do their level best to suppress the dissemination of truth.

    Humanity is slotted for extermination and the stupid notion that 500,000,000 will be spared as slaves for the Elite, is just a Con-Job to suck the Elite into doing the bidding of those that want ALL of us removed from Planet Earth.............. the Elite and their inbred Religious Nutter accomplices are really just at the back of the Genocide queue ............ if you like, they are the Useful Idiots.

    Poisoning the livestock of the world with sterilising mRNA vaccinations, poisoning our farming land, poisoning our skies, rivers and oceans via aerosols released in the so called Chem Trails is another Scam that is being assisted by that pseudo death cult called Environmentalists.

    Yeh, those thick as a brick bleeding heart pseudo environmentalists hiding their intended objectives by saying that it’s all in the name of stopping Global Warming.

    We don’t have the luxury of waiting for the Normies to stop fiddling while Rome burns and start to wake up........... they haven’t woken up now and never will.

    We don’t actually have any time left as every time the problem is discussed and the solution suggested................ we just watch the cowards in the community stop any further discussion and any action.

    Sadly the Normies are just as culpable as the people that run those Organisations on your list.
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