what a coordinated stich up in the last few days?!...
ukraine has lost....no chance for ukraine to win back territory much less defeat Russia..so we see this unfold in the kast 72 hours -
1)EU defense ministers meet without the little clown of kiev to talk about...next steps....conceding likely ukraine defetat in artyomovosk, what further level of support.
2) NYT WP FT Zeit are instructed by CIA officials to publish story on "yacht and ukraine operatives" as likely group responsible for nord stream destruction.
3) Olaf Scholtz flies to Washington to meet with Biden....to talk all things ukraine, including latest "revelations" re Ukrainians as likely nord stream saboteurs .
4) Blinken lays out a generous peace proposal to Ignatius which is published by WP.
this is GAME SET AND MATCH Russia