What's coming next- it isn't encouraging...

  1. 2,144 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 110
    Hmm, at the risk of further offending the few here who are trying to make a few hundred a day in profits from trading the daily rises, things are not going to get better in the next 6 months- this is going to drag on as the USA struggles to find a way to bail out the banks when the tsunami of mortgage defaults begin, thanks to rising interest rates.

    The underlying issue is that the USA has printed 10 trillion dollars since 2020 and Potatohead has no intention of turning the borrowing then spending tap off.

    Inflation is going to keep rising while Potatohead keeps printing money or borrowing money so, everything Jerome Powell does is not going to work because it can't work.

    Look, right now the best thing you can do is to buy tinned food because there is an actual developing global food crisis born of unaffordable fertilizer. The fert is unaffordable as Potatohead's war on oil has pushed the cost to make the fertilizer way up.

    There is no escaping this economic reality. We simply can't make fertilizer without gas/diesel.


    So look, you guys need to turn the ABC off along with most commercial media as they are desperate for income and will print/run anything Bill Gates and George Soros pay them to.

    .Look, The Guardian and their ABC won't call fat people 'fat' anymore, nor will they deploy the word 'obese' in their headlines. They use carefully crafted headlines to push their PC socialist agenda and yet, they have no problem in deploying the slur "PEAK POLLUTER" on farmers who are doing no damage whatsoever to the environment.
    On Nov 30th last year The Guardian printed this story- 'Up to 3,000 'Peak Polluters' given last chance to close by Dutch Government',

    As I've pointed out before, much of the Netherlands was reclaimed from the sea- it NEVER had plants growing on it as it was underwater.
    So, where are The Guardian and their ABC explaining this to Aussies? Where is Landline explaining that the Netherlands government's decision to force farms to grow lichen and moss instead of livestock, IS NOT BASED ON SCIENCE?

    The miserable left's lousy media is NEVER going to report the facts to Australians. Nope, the miserable left is waiting for Dutch farmers to be evicted and even shot by an EU-controlled tyrannical government.
    Then that footage will be aired around Australia by complicit media- when the left has won. 'This is what happens to you if you don't save the planet' will be the implicit message.
    Federal and state Labor governments will then begin to implement the destocking practices required by WEF overlords, as was successfully undertaken in the Netherlands.

    What, you think that could never happen here?
    EVERYTHING the miserable left has brought about as policy slowly crept in via complicit media. From late-term abortion as a means of birth control to the closing down of our reliable power stations, IT ALL SLOWLY CREPT IN VIA THEIR MEDIA.
    This is exactly how the miserable left operates.

    It's just a matter of time now.
    Gates has registered 1100 patents on the 'food' he is developing whilst also becoming the landholder owning the most land in the USA.
    Oh, and he has shut down farming on most of that farmland for some reason?

    BTW His fake meat is causing cancers in lab rats it's being fed to.

    A few years back the WEF ran its evil messaging on Youtube and 89,000 people downvoted it whilst it only garnered 11,000 upvotes, probably fake votes anyway. So youtube ditched all downvoting in response. Yep, that actually happened as there is no disagreeing with their messaging.
    And the WEF's messaging (the same WEF that Bill Gates and Soros are members of) was what exactly?

    "You will own nothing and you will be happy"

    Keep in mind that Albo and Bill are apparently dinkum mates now when you cast your vote at the coming NSW state election because it's likely that the teals will pick up city seats and they will destroy more than just the power grid, in cahoots with federal Labor...
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