rudd/gillard 'will' be returned in 2010 , page-16

  1. 107 Posts.
    "show many any proof immigrants vote one way or another

    i was born here as were many generations before me but I wish for a republic- its hardly the bastion of the immigrants- i am proud of this country and it's past- just dont see the need for a FOREIGN born monarchy as the head of state- explain that one?"

    My real meaning of the post was aimed the Labour party and the point that most tax paying Australians are more interested in the AFL team selections or a cricket star breaking up with his model girlfriend, than what Rudd/Gillard are doing with their tax money and how 3rd immigrants are doing as they please while calling us racsit if any Australians object to them trying to create their own separate societies within Australia.

    Remember that Australia IS a nation of migrants.. BUT.. it's only been the last 20 years, pictually the last 10 that "3rd" world migrants mainly from India have massed in Australia and once they are here, they want their entire family, old family memebers as well as productive young people, there by using up Australian medical services and increasing the long lines of 3rd world immigrates in the front counter line at CentreLink branches... all payed for by the Australian tax payer, who gets burnt at every turn by the tax department, 50% of our risk investment/trading that YOU had the balls to invest/trade, straight into the hands of the ungrateful lines at CenterLink.

    4 million born overseas, and that was back in 2005... and once you include the family reunions the 130,000 or so a year may easily rise to 300,000 - 500,000 per year... is this a good thing for Asutralia ?
    People coming to Australia from western Europe/UK/SA are like-minded to Australian society, but now Australia has 3rd worlders who have their own ideas... and want as many of their brothers in Australia and hence vote for the party who allows their passport party to continue.. that is LABOUR... proof of this is the number of boat arrivals since Rudd took office, of course there are always exceptions.

    Back in my twenties I was all for immigration and thought "why not allow anyone who wants to come to Australia and have a better life in".... but now after working and living in Asia and SE Asia for 10 plus years, seeing how proud and nationistic these people are of their country and their general resentment towards the great southern land, and working with real mainland Indians and Chinese and having watched some gain Australian passports and then what they do, I have completely changed my view. Although I have found the Chinese people hard working and keen to fit in (once they have been taught manners) are excellent productive Australians, but Indains and muslims are in genreal the total opposite and will be Australia's greatest mistake.

    As for a Republic ..WHY... what is going to change in your everyday life ? ... but it takes away a link with Australia's past, an Australia that fought wars and grew strong and gives the children of Australia a sense of our countries Britsh heritage, when they get taught history class at school beneath a picture of the Queen hanging at the front of the classroom, it gives the children a sense of who they are as Australians and makes it hard for people to disrespect Australia and get away with it. People burn the flag and de-face War Memorials in Australia, do that in the country where I live and a local crowd would beat you to death on the spot.. That IS what Australia is "English by birth", and thats what the 3rd worlders hate, the muslims, the Chinese, Indians all hate it (how many muslim schools in Australia fly the Australia flag or have a picture of our Queen ??)... along with the Indians who hate the English link.. it's ingrained in the Indian physicey to stick it to England...
    The Queen gives people and our children nation pride, a pride that can relate to people taking more of an interest in Australia and loving Australia, not just loving the cricket team or Olympic swimmers. Many now with new Australian passports want nothing more than to rid Australia of the Queen and do it fast, and to mould Australia to want "THEY" want Australia to be. So now they are NOT aslimulating, they are changing and trying to bend Australia to their way of doing things, the Republician debate plays right into their hands.

    I'm a proud Australian...
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