Ann: Investor Webinar, page-100

  1. 1,437 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 525
    For anyone concerned about the "less than 2 quarters of runway cash" remaining, as is mentioned ad infinitum on these pages, it is actually of no concern at all, if we want to deal in "facts and financials".

    All that is needed to be achieved is to close the gap between revenue and expenses by $400k - either reduce expenses, or increase revenue, by a collective $400k, and voila! we have more than 2 quarters of cash again. It's quite simple to understand really.

    Now, given that we've had CC on board since the December quarter, with more and more stores being onboarded literally every day, and revenue rolling in hand over fist, I ask you, do you think this is achievable?

    The answer is simple, it will be achieved easily, and just one further quarter away will see the company either cash flow positive or very close to it.

    So it's very clear that any CR will indeed be for growth, not for survival as "many here have stated".

    Oh, and qqq, the auditors report you've so recently latched onto? You know as well as I do that those reports are simply copy and paste templates for any business in a negative cash flow situation and do not take into account particular circumstances of a business.

    Have a good day everyone
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