super tax myths and facts, page-72

  1. 9,438 Posts.
    Unfortunately the mainstream media is only interested in hysterical sound-bites from both sides..

    From Rudd & Co we get

    "working families" - bad luck if you're single we don't want you

    "it belongs to everyone" - actually it belongs to the States

    "get your fair share" - you will be eating more of the profit pie than anyone else.. is that fair?

    "reinvest in infrastructure" - we'll take $9 billion off you... but you can beg for a portion of $700M back

    "profits go overseas"- actually most of the profits are reinvested back into Australia.. and bad luck if you are an Aussie shareholder

    "it's just like the petroleum tax" - this one is just a lie

    its only 40% actually its 57%

    Its only on super-profits Umm apparently a super profit is what you get on a bank deposit woops actually you get more than that now that Rudd taxes you at a concessional rate.

    "It will cover the superannuation increments"... umm employers pay for that

    From Abbott and Co we get

    "Rudd is a racist" - ?? he might be appealing to the xenophobes but he is just after votes and doesn't care what ethnic group they come from.

    "It will kill RIO and BHP" No it won't

    "RIO and BHP will move offshore" Not in a million years

    "$8 gazillion dollars in projects will halt" - don't quote numbers unless you have the facts .. we have no idea

    1000s of jobs will be lost some jobs might be lost, but most of the jobs affected are the ones that might be created if the tax wasnt there

    The budget will fall apart without the tax actually the budget is not dependent on this .. and that is a good thing

    If only the rhetoric vanished and the facts remained we might be able to have a sensible debate.
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