Why no Jail time

  1. 20,216 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 510
    if a builder promised you all things of all things
    to gain your contract and build your house
    did not for fill any of the promised items
    did this to say 1000 people looking to build their home

    he most likely would be
    banned as a builder
    serve jail time
    or be banned from building for life

    along comes Albo and his comrades of Labor
    and they get away with the almost endless stream of lies
    nothing happens to him
    not banned, no jail time
    that were used to trick the public to gain government
    and then
    when he retires he is given a endless golden hand shake
    for all his lies

    here are a couple MORE of the lies
    1 million homes we will build
    (that surely is the best whopper ever, the best any con man could spin,
    on the level of I've got a bridge to sell )
    remember Labor promised to make sure there was always a nurse on duty
    at every aged care centre in the country etc

    now the question remains
    why no jail time for this con man ?
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