new voting system!!!, page-2

  1. 261 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 27
    I am against it.

    I think a better system is to have to sit a computerized exam, which asks x random questions (y minutes time limit) about the various candidates and their proposed policies, after displaying a summary of all the policies from every candidate. These questions must be application of policy questions and not "what is the policy of ..." since it must test the person for deep understanding of the implications of the various policies. Only by demonstrating that one knows what exactly one is voting for (i.e. 8/10 cut line), does the machine issue a ballot paper.

    The questions and answers should be formulated by collaboration of academics from various political alignments, as to remove bias. This way, only those that are actually interested in the proposed policies enough to read all of the policies properly and think it through get to vote. Whether their vote is biased for personal gain or not is their right, as long as they fully understand exactly what they're voting and what the alternatives are.
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