the worst government ever !

  1. 7,353 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2711
    I seem to recall the Whitlam Government was a shocker, but this crew have taken poor management to another level. The mis-management of seemingly everything is mind boggling. The spin they put on everything is incredible.

    How on earth can they possibly be still running at 50% in the polls???

    They have blown about $100b of cash which the Coalition built up during their tenure (not to mention the $100b of previous labor debt which the Coalition paid off) , plus blown another $200b. So $300b down the gurgler in the space of 2 and half years. Quite an achievement.

    If they get back in, this country is doomed.

    Don't let it happen folks.

    Irrestive of what people think about Howard in the later years, the war in Iraq, work choices, the boat people etc, these things are irrelevant, if the economy is being sold down the toilet.

    This labor Government has shown its true colours of late. They are not centre, or centre left...they are dead set RED!!! They are funded by the Unions, and they are totally anti-business. They won't be happy until everyone is as poor as church mice, and we all belong to a Union. This is a very insidious dangerous outfit, which must be dispensed with straight across the boundary.

    I just hope the swinging voter gets what is going on.
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