Flee from idolatry, page-254

  1. 24,685 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    "I see two things preventing you from understanding the simple story of Ch 18 and 19.
    You are overly concerned to negate any sort of trinity association implied in the "3" men and when encouraged to understand those chapters as the story they are, you instead treat them as some sort of literal legal contract which they are not.'

    I couldn't give a hoot, re the trinity aspect.
    Re the legal standing = I totally refuse to take part in adding anything that is not CLEARLY there.
    If you don't use that rule, where does it Stop?

    "The opening verse simply states that on this occasion Yehowah appears to Abraham whilst he is sitting in the entrance to his tent.
    Similar to the opening of Ch 17 where Yehowah appears to Abraham."

    Yes and that's the END of that part of the message, no more and no less, Yehowah = 1 in singular appears and the form of, as with many passages, is Not explained.
    People are known to have said, after they heard a message from an angel, now I have seen the face of Yehowah = God.
    Likewise Jesus says, those OF God have seen and heard God = they saw and heard word, words = spiritual context.

    ''On this occasion Abraham sees 3 men .. it doesn't say he sees 3 men with Yehowah. He then rushes over to them and addresses them.
    Again, it doesn't say he addresses a separate Yehowah and the 3 men.''

    It didn't have to say he sees 3 men and Yehowah, you are already told, Yehowah appears first, on the scene before the 3 men, are you forgetting the stage being set here?
    And second, 3 men show up.
    It says he address's Lord who is Yehowah and separately he address's the 3 men.

    "After the interlude with Sarah it later describes Yehowah talking with His companions about the plans for Sodom and G."
    The "men" then turn on their way to Sodom"

    The "men" = the stage for them has already been set = 3 men turn on their way to Sodom, and we see NO more reference of them = none.

    "but Abraham is somehow able to stand in the way of Yehowah and begin his plea for Sodom and G."

    Yes, Abraham before the one that first appeared = Yehowah, who is neither of the 3 men.

    "All of the above verses indicate that on this occasion Yehowah has taken the form of a man in order to exchange with Abraham and Sarah."

    That is noting but speculation and NOT supported in the scriptures here, so I will NOT be part of adding that, I would rather just say, I Duno LOL.

    "Not a burning bush nor a form the sight of which would mean instant death for them but a man."

    Not a bit relevant, to support that Yehowah took on the form of a man.

    "There is no reason not to accept that the 3 "men" are Yehowah and the two angel-helpers about to be sent to Sodom."

    No, the scripturas clearly support, 3 men (men) went to Sodom and we SEE no further mention of them and that is a fact, truth.
    Absolutely ZERO to even think, that magically 3 men become 2 angels or 2 men become 2 angels, never mind saying such and NO scriptures to support this notion.

    "Yehowah and Abraham then finish their conversation and depart their separate ways."

    As did the 3 men, part their ways, never to be mentioned of again in these passages.

    "The remaining "men" now revealed as angels then arrive in Sodom and talk with Lot.
    Note that the Sodom crowds still see them as men."

    No, 2 angel's are revealed as angel's.
    What the crowds saw, viewed them as, is irrelevant and we are told, careful as to how you treat strangers, as you maybe dealing with an angel, unawares, and that also, is irrelevant.

    "If you try and put aside the trinity bogeyman and just read the chapters I'm sure you will modify your view.
    It's just the sort of straight forward simplicity you like."

    As I said, I'm Not looking at it from a trinity stand point, but by what the actual words, as Clearly shown are saying.
    Your is not and cannot be deemed, simplicity as it is NOT truth.
    Untruths do not have flow.

    Simplicity, 3 men and abracadabra 1 of them becomes Yehowah tongue.pngtongue.pngtongue.png
    I might be crazy, but not stupid LOL.

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