Flee from idolatry, page-272

  1. 24,675 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Would you say the Greeks know the definition of their words = YES they most certainly would.
    Do they sometimes have 1, 2, 3 definitions or answers describing the definition = Yes they do, however they all generally say the same thing.
    Have our translators for example in John's prologue stuck to these examples of the Greeks definitions = NO they bloody did NOT.
    Their English words do NOT describe the same thing and you don't need to be a scholar to see this.
    IS THAT SINKING IN CHUM?????????????

    I'm telling you mate, if the truth of John's prologue was always there, there would never ever have been all this debating over the blooding thing for all these years.
    Nothing whatsoever as in -> and the Word became flesh = ZERO.
    The only way you can describe it, is pure theft.
    The amazing part though, NO one is interested???????????????????????????????????????????? = 2 Thes 2:1-11 = no other plausible explanation.
    "Looks like you have assumed I was referring to Ch 18 ... if so another wrong assumption on your part."

    Put you name down for a Comedy Company rerun, you would be in their with good chances.
    What a load of Bull Dust.

    Goodness me Coppo, what happen to you while you were away???
    You have yourself in a total pickle on this v3 and v 4 matter, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
    is Abraham addressing Yehowah as Lord.
    is Abraham addressing the 3 men.
    You were trying to roll 3 into 4 as one = rubbish, hence I told you to Stop at 3
    Talk about being creative and always right, how the hec do you suddenly get one of these men to turn into Yehowah, Lord, now that is very strange if not ridiculous.
    If you read the John prologue I placed up, it was in blue, if you couldn't comprehend it, then it is YOU that has the problem, as it flows like water off a ducks back.
    It may not have the English smooth flow, but I will NOT add to the Greeks words, but even that, should NOT hinder one from seeing the clear true message.
    Unfortunately, HC does make a little mess of things when you copy files, despite preview supposedly showing it to all be ok.
    But after posting, is where you see HC has messed with it.

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