Is The AFL Run By A Bunch Of Grifters

  1. 933 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 95
    it seems the afl is hoping to get a giant stadium built in hobart town, one with a great roof to ward off the cold-wind-wet, at upwards of a billion and more!
    but guess what?
    them want the australian taxpayer to fund it, like with the spectacular new perth stadium in which they only contributed $100million.
    similarly with the hobart stadium they will only contribute the bare minimum [$200m].

    seriously where do they off!
    they have just signed a MASSIVE deal with some network worth friken trillions!!!
    -while demanding the new hobart stadium has roof in case of bad weather.
    strangely, hobart has less cold winters than melb and is as dry as darwin is in its winter. but the taxpayer will be paying for it!
    -then they will stupidly robotically pay several hundreds dollars per ticket to see these overpaid individuals play a sport only a few skill levels above a good local burb or country side.
    i think the afl has become the very definition of crony #woke capitalism or even Communism, whereby a few incompetent top management get all the profits while expecting the lowly #proletariat to fund the dream. they are a disgrace with all their special rights for certain ethnic groups, their gender expectations, their intolerance toward criticism.
    is it not time to be done with them.
    about 14-years or so ago i contacted various billionaires/multi-millionaire's in order to rejig an entirely new aussie rules code based on a division style of league not unlike what happens with british soccer or american football-baseball leagues or even basketball. whereby any local team or community if they could get the funding or had the cattle [talent] would be able to play in a local division like say for example;
    all major cities-burbs-regional towns allowed to form a team to play in a local tier comp until whomever proves best goes onto the intra-finals, then the semi-finals, to then meet in an ultimate grand final likleyhood played in melbourne [bc of historical connections] and every 2nd year in another state capital or even just a large regional city.
    i was surprised to receive very serious interest in my proposal but unfortunately the gfc happened and put it to rest. [no names but some were then multi-millionaires who have now turned into some of aust's richest people, one was a woman who even then was super rich but not like now].
    what do you think?
    are you sick of this bunch of woke grifters taking full advantage of the taxpayer while not giving much of anything back from their profit-seeking?!
    a new australia wide league with 30-50 new teams playing from across the entire country!

    meaning an inter regional-city rivalry. local stadia and keeping their homegrown talent and money with support from the community in their local areas. locals who benefit whenever a team plays in its region -not some giant corporation with a piddling, dullard 18-team comp much removed from non-urban areas being played in 5-6 cities!
    yes, obviously some teams will rarely leave their particular tier bc of weakness but nevertheless many country-regional areas should be able to compete with the big city boys if allowed to keep their talent and esp with a city like darwin this should not be so much of a problem.
    or even regional cities like bendigo-ballarat-fremantle, geelong, alice springs, geraldton, bunbury, newcastle, cairns,townsville, you get the idea.
    i think it would work and soon enuf the AFL as we now know it, will die. & good riddance!
    im sure an andrew forrest or clive palmer type would go for it esp with the way this new golf comp has taken off led by one, greg norman.
    good idea or bad?
    Last edited by jad666: 26/04/23
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