TLG 13.8% 49.5¢ talga group ltd

Talga in 2023, page-386

  1. 567 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 81
    For those who want some light reading. So many gems in this !!!!!

    Opinion on file attachments 72-75 regarding Talga AB's application
    for permission to establish and operate a facility for the
    manufacture of battery anode material from graphite concentrate
    within part of the property Luleå Hertsön 11:1 and 11:1010, Luleå
    Case No. M 1826-22
    The Land and Environmental Court has ordered the county administrative board to give an
    opinion on file attachments 72-75 regarding Talga AB's, hereinafter the company,
    application for permission to establish and operate a facility for the manufacture of battery
    anode material from graphite concentrate within part of the property Luleå Hertsön 11:1
    and 11 :1010, Luleå municipality.
    To make our opinion clear, the county administrative board mainly starts from the
    company's numbering.
    Due to the court's order, file attachment 76, the County Administrative Board
    submits the following.
    The County Board's position
    B.1 - Risk and security.
    The company has submitted supplementary information regarding risks associated
    with large leaks of hydrofluoric acid outdoors within the business. The County
    Administrative Board shares the company's view that these risks within the area of
    operations are acceptable based on what has now been reported. As regards the
    transport of hydrofluoric acid (subsidiary companies), this probably entails greater risks
    than what exists within the area of operation, but it can also be considered
    permissible provided that the current regulations regarding the transport of dangerous
    goods are followed.
    Postal address: 971 86 Luleå Phone: 010-225 50 00
    Email: [email protected] Web:
    Translated from Swedish to English -
    Norrbotten County Administrative Board Opinion
    2 (16)
    B.2 – Release to water.
    The county board's continued assessment is that further releases of zinc and mercury to
    Sörbrändöfjärden than what already occurs are not permissible according to ch. 2. Section 3
    and Chapter 5 Sections 4 and 5 of the Environmental Code.
    In order to enable a final assessment on the issue of admissibility and whether it is possible
    to limit emissions to a sufficient extent through conditions, it is necessary for the company to
    supplement the application with information on purification technology and degree of
    purification so that the emissions from the operation do not risk jeopardizing the current
    environmental quality standard and/or cause damage or inconvenience to the environment.
    The County Administrative Board believes that the aforementioned is a basic condition for the
    company to be considered to have demonstrated that they intend to use the best possible
    technology (BAT). Before then, it cannot be considered to raise the issue of exemptions from
    the environmental quality standards according to ch. 4. Sections 9 or 11 and 12
    The Water Management Ordinance (2004:660).
    In the event of the above-mentioned scenario, the county administrative board requests that the court request
    an opinion from the Water Authority in accordance with ch. 22. Section 13 of the Environmental Code and
    Chapter 4. Section 13 of the Water Management Ordinance.
    B.3 – Storm water.
    The County Administrative Board has reviewed the company's additions regarding
    stormwater management and, based on this, perceives that the company's planned
    stormwater management will be consistent with the system solution for stormwater that
    was developed for the detailed plan. The County Administrative Board therefore considers
    that the planned activities are compatible with the current detailed plan.
    C.2 – Emissions to air.
    The County Administrative Board notes that the company accepts the Environmental Protection Agency's
    proposed conditions. The County Administrative Board agrees to these terms and conditions.
    C.3 – Noise and vibration.
    The company opposes the county board's request that the night period should be
    at 22:00-07:00 and that the instantaneous noise level at night (22:00-07:00) must
    not exceed 55 dBA. The county board maintains its position.
    C.4 – Reindeer nutrition.
    The company opposes consultation with Gällivare Samibyand the
    supervisory authority . The county board maintains its position.
    Norrbotten County Administrative Board Opinion
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    C.5 – Energy management.
    The County Administrative Board notes that the company has nothing to object to in
    substance against the authority's proposed conditions, apart from the time interval for the
    report. The county board maintains its position.
    C.7 – Delegations
    Dusting. The company opposes the county board's request that the condition
    should be combined with a delegation to announce the necessary measures
    and precautions to reduce dusting. The county board maintains its position
    Reindeer nutrition. The company opposes the county board's request that the
    condition should be combined with a delegation to ensure the possibility, if
    necessary, to decide on the necessary measures and precautionary measures to
    minimize possible disruption to reindeer husbandry. The county board maintains
    its position.
    Energy management.The company opposes the county board's request for delegation
    to the supervisory authority regarding the authorization to announce conditions on
    reasonable energy management measures developed within the framework of the
    energy management plan. The county board maintains its position.
    Risk, chemicals and waste. The company opposes the county board's request
    for delegation to the supervisory authority regarding staffing, training, etc.
    regarding the specified task force. The county board maintains its position.
    The reasons for the county board's positions are explained below.
    Development of speech
    B.1 - Risk and security including delegation C.7 regarding risks.
    The County Administrative Board states that the operation will be covered by the
    Seveso legislation's higher level of requirements, which means that the operation is
    also a dangerous operation.
    According to ch. 2 Section 4 of the Act (2003:778) on protection against accidents
    includes the following obligations for dangerous activities:"In the case of a facility
    where the operation entails a risk that an accident will cause serious damage to
    people or the environment, the owner of the facility or the person who carries out
    the activities at the facility is obliged to reasonably maintain or pay for
    preparedness with personnel and property and otherwise take the necessary
    measures for to prevent or limit such damages.
    Norrbotten County Administrative Board Opinion
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    Whoever carries out the activity is obliged to analyze the risks of such
    accidents as specified in the first paragraph.
    The first and second paragraphs also apply to airports that have been granted an
    operating permit in accordance with ch. 6. Section 8 first paragraph of the Aviation
    Act (2010:500) and activities covered by the Act (1999:381) on measures to prevent
    and limit the consequences of serious chemical accidents. Law (2015:234).”
    The County Administrative Board considers that the company has a far-reaching
    responsibility to reasonably maintain or pay for preparedness with personnel and
    property and otherwise take the necessary measures to prevent or limit serious
    damage to people or the environment. This is because the municipality's
    dimensioning of the municipal rescue service is not dimensioned for the type of
    large-scale chemical accidents that can occur during the company's operations,
    and it is also not the municipality's obligation to dimension for this.
    Just as the county administrative board previously stated, the authority believes
    that in light of the substances that will be handled and its inherent
    dangerousness, it is justified for the court to prescribe a condition for a first
    response force that must be able to deal with fire, gas leakage, explosion and
    other serious incidents. Furthermore, the county administrative board
    understands that a more detailed specification of the task force cannot take place
    before the final design of the facility has been decided. In light of this, the county
    administrative board believes that the condition should be combined with a
    delegation for the design of the task force to ensure that there is an opportunity
    for the supervisory authority to decide on the measures that may be required
    based on the final design and operation of the facility.
    (The county board, condition 11b.) The company must maintain or pay for a
    first response force that must be able to deal with fire, leakage of gas,
    explosion and other serious incidents. For this purpose, the task force must
    have the ability to prevent or limit serious damage to people and the
    environment. For the initial handling of fire, gas leakage, explosion and other
    serious incidents, part of the response force must be located within or
    directly adjacent to the operational area.The company must consult with the
    supervisory authority and the municipality to ensure that the business has a
    time-relevant preparedness and ability to handle accidents.
    (Länsstyrelsen) The Land and Environmental Court transfers with the support of ch. 22 § 25
    paragraph three of the Environmental Code to the supervisory authority to notify additional
    conditions that may be needed in the following respects.
    Norrbotten County Administrative Board Opinion
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    d) Staffing, training etc. regarding the specified task force in
    condition 11b.
    The County Administrative Board considers it important that the authority
    obtains a delegation to announce additional conditions that may be needed
    regarding staffing, training, etc. regarding the specified task force.
    B.2 – Release to water
    The county board's continued assessment is that new emissions of zinc and mercury to
    Sörbrändöfjärden are not permitted according to ch. 5. Section 4 of the Environmental
    Code and that the examining authority should therefore obtain a special opinion from
    the water authority in order to obtain an exemption if possible. Setting requirements
    for the operation regarding emission reduction (cleaning methods) or other measures
    is important to reduce the impact on the affected water environments in
    The reasoning about caution and exceptions above is further motivated by the fact
    that it is planned for several major industrial operations that are deemed to be able to
    affect Sörbrandöfjärden with emissions. From
    water management perspective, it is important to assess the cumulative impact
    that both the current applied for activity and future planned activities will have on
    the water environments in the recipient Sörbrändöfjärden. The County
    Administrative Board notes that there may be an opportunity for the Water
    Authority for a certain water body to decide on less stringent quality requirements
    according to ch. 4. Section 10
    The Water Management Ordinance (2004:660), but there are very high
    requirements for far-reaching purification of the emissions to the recipient before
    this could be relevant.
    New classification in Water Information System Sweden (VISS)
    After the company's application was received, the County Administrative
    Board updated the status assessment regarding the Sörbrändöfjärden water
    body. The old assessment covered data up to 2018. The new assessment
    covers data between the years 2019 – 2021. Data from 2022 has also been
    taken into account but omitted at the time of the assessment because the data
    collector then suspected that the high levels of zinc were due to contamination
    at the time of sampling. The data collector has returned on March 14, 2023
    with information that it is likely not sampling contamination. In addition to
    data from the coordinated recipient control program (SRK), data from a
    municipal monitoring station (YS1) has also been used as a basis for
    the status assessment. Figure 1 below shows the monitoring stations L2,
    L3 and YS1 in Sörbrandöfjärden.
    Norrbotten County Administrative Board Opinion
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    Figure 1: Map showing monitoring stations in Sörbrandöfjärden.
    Data from the coordinated recipient control program show (as already illustrated by the
    company in Figure 1, file attachment 76) that the assessment basis limit value for zinc is
    exceeded in 2020 in stations L2 and L3 according to the Norwegian Maritime and Water
    Authority's regulation HVMFS 2019:25. The County Administrative Board uses
    calculated annual average values for comparison with this limit value. This is because
    the limit value i
    the assessment basis is stated as an annual average value. In 2021, the annual
    average value of zinc levels (4 measuring occasions) clearly exceeds the limit value
    (1.1 µg/l) in Luleå Municipality's monitoring station YS1. Overall, the condition for
    moderate status regarding the quality factor 'special pollutants' is fulfilled
    according to ch. 2. § 4 HVMFS 2019:25.
    The annual average values of zinc, Zn, (µg/l) are illustrated in figure 2. The faintly
    dotted bars in figure 2 are annual average values that were not the basis for the
    new status assessment:
    • The 2020 purple bar is based on data from the municipality's
    monitoring station, only two samples were taken that year.
    • The bars with blue and orange color from 2022 are data from SRK,
    stations L2 and L3. The data collector (SSAB EMEA AB in Luleå)
    suspected contamination in connection with the sampling this year
    because the levels are so elevated, but it has turned out afterwards,
    according to the data collector's information, that it is not a question
    of lack of sampling hygiene.
    Norrbotten County Administrative Board Opinion
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    Figure 2. Data for dissolved zinc, Zn, (µg/l) from 3 stations in Sörbrändöfjörden in
    the years 2019 – 2022. L2 and L3 are the SRK stations, YS1 is Luleå municipality's
    station within the control program for the Hertsö field.
    Data regarding zinc (Zn) from Luleå municipality's monitoring station is
    presented in table 1.
    Table 1: Zinc levels from the municipal monitoring station YS1.
    Date Zn (µg/l) filter
    2020-07-20 0.5
    2020-08-26 2.5
    2021-01-25 5.7
    2021-02-24 3.7
    2021-07-19 1.3
    2021-08-31 4.6
    The annual average values that form the basis of the status assessment have
    been calculated by first calculating annual average values for each year and
    station. Then the background level of 0.55 µg/l has been subtracted.
    The County Administrative Board informs that it is possible to perform the abovementioned calculation in different ways. The subtraction of the background content can
    also be done for each measurement occasion and then calculate annual average values
    for each station. But then the question arises of how to deal with negative results. Either
    negative results can be completely ignored or the original concentration can be used
    without subtracting the background concentration. In both of these cases, the result is
    higher annual average values and thus
    Norrbotten County Administrative Board Opinion
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    clearer excesses of the assessment basis and a lower
    reliability in the assessment.
    B2.2 Legal starting points
    The County Administrative Board perceives that the company seems to mix up the concepts
    regarding jeopardizing the possibility of achieving the environmental quality standard versus the
    interpretation of the prohibition of deterioration.
    The company states under point 9, file appendix 72, that"An additional
    pollution in a water body that already has a good ecological status and which
    will continue to have a good ecological status if the activity or measure in
    question is permitted does not mean any endangerment. A change within a
    class boundary, for example within moderate status, should not be considered
    as a starting point in itself as endangering. There is thus quite a lot of room to
    allow activities or measures that in and of themselves involve pressures on the
    work to improve the water environment, or that make it more difficult to
    achieve the right water quality." and referred to bill 2017/18:243, p. 193.
    The County Administrative Board understands that it is an interpretation of a text that
    deals with jeopardizing the possibility of achieving the environmental quality standard.
    The County Administrative Board refers to the following quote in bill 2017/18:243, p
    193."Additional pollution in a water that already has good ecological status and, if the
    activity is permitted, will continue to have good ecological status does not mean
    endangering. Furthermore, a change within a class boundary, e.g. within moderate
    status, is not in itself considered to endanger the possibilities of achieving the right
    quality of the water environment, at least as long as new practice from the EU Court
    says otherwise."This text is therefore not about the interpretation of the prohibition of
    For the interpretation of the prohibition of deterioration, the following should
    apply according to bill 2017/18:243, pp. 192-193."According to EU law, the
    impairment ban must mean that the activity or measure must not lead to such a
    large deterioration in the quality of the water that the water must be characterized
    to a lower status than the status that the water body has before the activity or
    measure is started. Through the Weserdomen (see section 4.6), the Court of Justice
    of the EU has also clarified that an impermissible deterioration already occurs if
    one of the relevant quality factors deteriorates so much that the water body - if the
    status was determined solely on the basis of that quality factor - would have to be
    characterized to a lower status. An impermissible deterioration can thus occur only
    by a quality factor being degraded to a lower status, even if
    the water body as a whole with regard to all quality factors does not need to be
    characterized to a lower status. Through the Weserdomen, the European Court of
    Justice has also clarified that if the water quality in the matter of a
    Norrbotten County Administrative Board Opinion
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    quality factor is already in the worst quality class, any deterioration
    within that quality factor shall be considered an impermissible
    The County Administrative Board understands that the company believes that
    there is room to allow activities or measures that involve stress on the water
    environment. However, this only applies to ecological status regarding quality
    factors other than 'special pollutants'. According to the so-called Weserdom, no
    further deterioration is permitted when a quality factor is status-assessed to the
    lowest status class, not even at parameter level. Ecological status regarding the
    quality factor 'special pollutants' (SFÄ) has only two status classes: good or
    moderate status. The County Administrative Board has stated in previous
    statements that the company's documentation shows that the water body has a
    moderate status and has therefore also changed the VISS to further clarify that
    assessment. Since the county administrative board assesses that a moderate status
    prevails for the ecological status/quality factor SFÄ, it is the county administrative
    board's opinion that no further discharges to the water body are permitted
    according to ch. 5. Section 4 of the Environmental Code with the support of the
    Weserdomen. This is because the applied activity increases the load of zinc to the
    occurrence by 44 kg/year, which would constitute 17% of the total load of zinc via
    the outlet from Inre Hertsöfjärden and the applied activity's emissions. It is the
    county board's assessment that this would likely contribute to increased levels of
    zinc in the Sörbrändöfjärden water body and therefore constitute a deterioration of
    status at the parameter level. There is thus no further scope for allowing activities
    that lead to new emissions of zinc.
    B.2.3 Recipient conditions
    The County Administrative Board has changed the assessment in VISS based on data for
    the period 2019 – 2021 (see above). The assessment is based on the same data base that
    the company previously presented. The County Administrative Board sticks to previous
    The minimum requirement for sampling frequency (4 times/year) is met for the data used
    for the classification. See table 3.3, pp. 30-31 in the Swedish Environmental Protection
    Agency's Handbook 2008:2. There, the minimum frequency is indicated on the line next to
    the bottom (other pollutants).
    However, the sampling frequency for prioritized substances (1 g/month) is
    not met in the SRK monitoring. Zinc is not a priority substance and
    therefore falls under the heading 'other pollutants'.
    In some cases, the county administrative board can use multi-year average values,
    for example if the sampling frequency was lower than what is specified in (NVHandbok 2008:2). However, this means that the assessment
    Norrbotten County Administrative Board Opinion
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    reliability deteriorates because the assessment basis's limit value for zinc is
    produced as annual average values.
    Another argument for not using multi-year averages for status assessment of
    specific polluting substances is that there is a risk of underestimating the impact
    of substances designated as environmental toxins. It is about a body of water that
    is already affected by emissions from existing industry and contaminated land.
    Because the Water Directive aims to protect water environments and its
    ecosystems (protection of water such as
    drinking water resource is not applicable here) the precautionary principle should be
    applied. Considering that measures for better water environments are central to the
    water directive, it is important to detect any environmental problems as early as
    possible in order to be able to point out the need for measures (and hopefully also real
    measures where needed).
    In point 12, file attachment 72, the company means“[…] that it is not appropriate to
    assess the status of a quality factor or a certain substance only based on a single
    annual average, as recipient data from single years will always show some
    variation”.The County Administrative Board has assessed the ecological status
    regarding the quality factor special polluting substances according to the
    Norwegian Maritime and Water Authority's regulation HVMFS 2019:25. The limit
    value for good ecological status with regard to special polluting substances
    regarding zinc is stated in this regulation as an annual average value. The fact that
    elevated levels have been analyzed in some samples is not surprising considering
    that Sörbrändöfjärden is already loaded with pollution partly via the outlet from
    Inre Hertsöfjärden (and probably to some extent also from Sandöfjärden), partly
    via diffuse leakage from the industrial area on Svartön (ditches and groundwater ).
    Where pollution exactly originates from during various episodes with elevated
    levels has not been investigated in detail, neither in the basis for the present
    application nor in any other case. From the county board's perspective, there are
    currently significant sources of influence on zinc that are already burdening the
    Sörbrändöfjärden water body (industry, contaminated land areas and stormwater).
    It is the county board's assessment that episodes with elevated levels of zinc in
    Sörbrändöfjärden are caused by one or more of these sources of influence.
    Item 13, file attachment 72: The County Administrative Board has chosen to
    disregard data from 2022 (due to possible contamination issues, see above).
    Excluding deviating (elevated) levels risks rendering misleading annual
    averages. Whether the measured content of zinc corresponds to reality or
    not and what content really prevailed at the time of measurement is not
    known. It is therefore not possible to say whether annual average values
    from 2022 exceed the limit value for good status regarding zinc or not.
    Norrbotten County Administrative Board Opinion
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    In point 15, file appendix 72, the company writes that it is in fact in good
    standing to show the number of annual average values that fall below the
    limit value for zinc. However, what should be assessed is not the number of
    undershoots. In ch. 2 Section 4 HVMFS 2019:25 states that "The water authority
    shall classify the physico-chemical quality factor of particular polluting
    substances […] to moderate status or moderate potential if the value in table 1
    in appendix 2 and table 1 in appendix 5 for any substance is exceeded at any
    monitoring station representative of the surface water body."An exceedance at
    one station is thus enough to assess 'moderate' status. In this case, the county
    administrative board assesses that exceedances occurred twice in 2020 (SRK
    stations L2 and L3) and once in 2021 (municipal monitoring station YS1), a total
    of 3 exceedances.
    Commentary on point 17, file attachment 72: Chemical status regarding mercury is
    nationally assessed as 'does not reach good' with reference to the fact that mercury is
    assessed to be everywhere in excess. There is no other limit value for mercury in water
    than the regulation's (HVMFS 2019:25) limit value for the maximum permitted content.
    There are no limit values to compare annual average values based on mercury levels
    in water. The company presents figures for annual average values for mercury from
    the years 2020 – 2022, which cannot therefore be assessed against the limit value for
    the maximum permitted content.
    Figure 3: Concentrations in biota (flow) from stations in the Gulf of Bothnia.
    The assessment in the entire Gulf of Bothnia shows too high levels of mercury.
    Measured levels of mercury in biota (figure 3) are generally higher than the limit
    value for good chemical status in biota (20 µg/kg wet weight). However, it must be
    emphasized that there are no measurements of mercury in biota from the
    Sörbrändöfjärden water body. Data from Harufjärden (approx. 20 km
    Norrbotten County Administrative Board Opinion
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    east of Sörbrändöfjärden) shows that the average mercury content in the stream was
    40 µg/kg wet weight (220 samples in total). The limit value was exceeded in 180 out of
    220 samples. Overall, the county administrative board assesses that the national status
    assessment of mercury is strengthened by these data, which show that fish in the Gulf
    of Bothnia generally have elevated levels of mercury.
    Since the chemical status of mercury is assessed to be the lowest possible
    status class in Sörbrändöfjärden, it is the county board's assessment that no
    further releases of mercury to the water body are permitted.
    B.2.4 Unauthorized status deterioration
    The company has presented a detailed dilution model and argues that this shows
    that the emissions of zinc from the applied for activity will not contribute to
    unauthorized status deterioration. However, this becomes irrelevant because the
    ecological status regarding special polluting substances has already been assessed
    to 'moderate' status according to HVMFS 2019:25, which means that new
    discharges to Sörbrändöfjörden cannot be allowed.
    A dilution model can be valuable in the event that a mixing zone needs to be
    delineated. If this becomes relevant at any stage, it becomes important that the
    company reports the assumptions, input values and possibly other decisive
    parameters that control the model result.
    C.3 – Noise and vibration.
    Based on the company's argument, the County Administrative Board perceives that
    there are no work activities that should typically give rise to high instantaneous noise
    levels at night. If this is the case, the county administrative board cannot but see that
    there would be no problem in accepting the county administrative board's proposed
    conditions regarding the instantaneous noise level of a maximum of 55 dBA at night. If,
    on the other hand, the company opposes this, it can be understood implicitly that the
    current noise levels at night may exceed 55 dBA. This is not acceptable. With this as a
    starting point, the county administrative board believes that it is urgent that the noise
    condition be combined with an instantaneous value at night according to the
    authority's condition proposal. Furthermore, it is the authority's attitude and
    experience that the type of heavy industry that the company represents may disturb
    the surroundings more than what appears in the company's application. The authority
    has experience with larger establishments in Norrbotten and receives many complaints
    from residents every year regarding noise disturbances in the morning and evening
    and therefore believes that it is even more justified that the night period be set to
    22:00-07:00. The county board maintains its position.
    Norrbotten County Administrative Board Opinion
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    (The County Administrative Board, condition 4).Noise from operations during operation,
    including transport within the operational area, must not give rise to a higher
    equivalent noise level outdoors at homes than:
    50 dB(A) non-holiday Monday-Friday (07:00-18:00)
    40 dB(A) at night (22.00-07.00)
    45 dB(A) the rest of the time
    The instantaneous noise level at dwellings must not exceed 55 dB(A)
    at night (22:07).
    The specified values must be checked by measurement at the noise sources (near-field
    measurement) and calculations at the homes concerned. Inspections must take place as
    soon as the facility has been put into operation, or as soon as there have been changes in
    the operation that may result in more than insignificantly increased noise levels and when
    the supervisory authority otherwise considers that an inspection is warranted.
    C.4 – Reindeer farming including delegation C.7 regarding measures and
    precautionary measures.
    The County Administrative Board believes that the company's condition of only consulting
    with Gällivare Samiby is not sufficient. The way the company's proposed conditions are
    designed, there is no possibility of influencing the timetable if there are different opinions on
    the issue regarding the impact on reindeer husbandry. Since the county administrative board
    has the task of bringing legal action and safeguarding environmental interests and other
    public interests, it is both reasonable and justified that the consultation also takes place with
    the authority and that the condition is combined with a delegation to the supervisory
    authority to ensure that it can, if necessary, decide on the necessary measures and
    precautionary measures to minimize any disruption to reindeer husbandry. The County
    Administrative Board maintains its proposed conditions with the associated delegation.
    (The County Administrative Board, condition 5). Before the construction works begin, the
    company must carry out consultations with Gällivare Samiby and the supervisory authority
    about the timetable for the implementation of
    the construction works and when particularly disruptive work phases are planned to be
    carried out.
    The County Administrative Board) The Land and Environmental Court transfers with the support of
    ch. 22 § 25 paragraph three of the Environmental Code to the supervisory authority to notify
    additional conditions that may be necessary in the following respect.
    Norrbotten County Administrative Board Opinion
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    b) Decide on the necessary measures and precautionary measures to minimize any
    disruption to the reindeer husbandry based on the consultation carried out in
    accordance with condition 5.
    C.5 – Energy management including delegation C.7 regarding conditions on
    reasonable energy management measures
    The County Administrative Board believes that the company's proposal for terms and
    conditions regarding energy management is too imprecise and that it only contains a
    minimum of reporting. The County Administrative Board believes that this is not sufficient
    and that it does not sufficiently promote the handling of
    energy management issues. The County Administrative Board maintains its proposed terms and
    conditions regarding energy management, including the proposal for delegation, as the two
    proposed terms and conditions are connected. The County Administrative Board's proposal for
    conditions is designed to make it clear which frameworks the supervisory authority can operate
    within so that it does not go beyond these.
    (The County Administrative Board, condition 6). The company must continuously and
    systematically work with energy efficiency improvements in the business. The company
    must report its work to the supervisory authority every three years, starting no later
    than three years after the permit has been used, by drawing up and then revising an
    energy management plan. The plan must report which energy management measures
    are technically possible to implement, the effects and costs of the measures, which
    measures the company intends to take and justification as to why the other reported
    measures are not reasonable. The company must annually, in connection with the
    submission of the environmental report to the supervisory authority, report on the past
    year's work with energy management, how the plan is being followed and any
    adjustments to the plan that the company intends to make in the coming year.
    (County Administrative Board). The Land and Environmental Court transfers with the support of
    ch. 22 § 25 paragraph three of the Environmental Code to the supervisory authority to notify
    additional conditions that may be needed in the following respects.
    c) Additional conditions regarding reasonable energy conservation measures developed within
    the framework of the energy conservation plan according to condition 6.
    The County Administrative Board thus considers that if the energy management plan
    with associated action plan contains relevant information, which the County
    Administrative Board specifically pointed out in its proposal for conditions as above, it is
    possible for the supervisory authority to decide on well-balanced conditions.
    Furthermore, the county administrative board believes that the energy issues are so important that
    the county administrative board's proposal for conditions with the associated delegation is
    reasonable and justified with the surrounding situation, with a "green" transition that requires a lot
    of electrical energy combined with the current supply, which is now available to stipulate that the
    energy mapping should take place with a more frequent
    Norrbotten County Administrative Board Opinion
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    interval than the legal requirement, the Act (2014:266) on energy mapping in large
    companies, which may be considered an absolute minimum level.
    The County Administrative Board believes that with the time interval
    specified by the County Administrative Board regarding the reporting
    of the energy management plan with associated action plan, there will
    be even more focus on the energy management issues that are central
    to the "green" transition. Furthermore, the county administrative board
    believes that in order to ensure that environmentally justified and
    reasonable measures are implemented, the permit needs to contain a
    delegation to the supervisory authority to prescribe which measures
    the company must take. Such delegations also occur in practice, see
    MÖD 2009:17, MÖD 2011:23 and MÖD 2014:42. In the latter two cases
    the delegation was limited to "reasonable measures", in the first the
    delegation was completely without limitation. The practice has
    persisted even in recent years.
    C.7 – delegation regarding conditions on dusting
    The County Administrative Board notes that the company states that the planned
    activities are not considered to give rise to dust, but it is the authority's opinion that
    the substances, especially graphite, that are handled are very prone to dust. The
    County Administrative Board believes that there is an obvious risk that dusting may
    occur. The company should therefore, at the latest at the main hearing, clarify how
    it intends to limit the generation of dust as far as possible. However, the County
    Administrative Board believes that it is justified and necessary that the supervisory
    authority receives a delegation with the tools that may be needed to be able to
    manage risks with the emergence of dust.
    (Länsstyrelsen) The Land and Environmental Court transfers with the support of ch. 22 § 25
    paragraph three of the Environmental Code to the supervisory authority to notify additional
    conditions that may be necessary in the following respect.
    a) Necessary measures and precautions to reduce dust.
    Contact details
    You are welcome to contact the County Administrative Board for questions on
    010-225 50 00 or via e-mail [email protected] . Enter the case diary
    number 11639-2022 in the subject line of the email.
    Those who participated in the opinion
    The decision on the opinion has been taken by unit manager Anna-Carin Ohlsson with
    environmental engineer Mikael Larsson as rapporteur, both units for
    Norrbotten County Administrative Board Opinion
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    environmental protection. The County Administrative Board's units for environmental protection and environmental
    analysis participated in the preparation of the case.
    This document has been digitally approved and therefore lacks a signature.
    Copy to
    Talga AB through contact person Christin Jonasson,
    [email protected] , and agents Joel Mårtensson,
    [email protected] , and Albin Gustafsson,
    [email protected] .
    The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, [email protected]
    The authority for social security and preparedness (MSB),
    [email protected]
    The Norwegian Sea and Water Authority, [email protected]
    Luleå Municipality, [email protected]
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