god's will you say?, page-34

  1. 7,404 Posts.
    years ago i can remember watching the movie christine f.
    the only thing i can remember about it was some addict saying something like, "you want to know what the highest high is? Death."
    i found that statement very abhorrent at the time.

    but can now see a truth in it.
    having circumstantial evidence that death is not accomplished by suicide.

    going to bed and falling asleep to the physical body is a limited type of death - the aches and pains tend to fall away.
    but thats just a hint.

    falling asleep...waking up...falling asleep...
    we are surrounded by clues, but fail to take the hints.

    it is in dying daily to everything that we think we are.
    but that can not be accomplished unless one becomes truely alive.
    a paradox?
    yep, but not really.

    there is really only one will
    and that is the will not to suffer
    often when people think they are doing "god's will" they are just creating more of it.
    is it a profound ironic random coincidence that the word "suffer" also means allow?

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