ashamed to be australian, page-167

  1. 718 Posts.
    crystalvoyager writes;
    "Taylor how is it racist to want our government to have control over our refugee intact, to allow those waiting a chance, be they white black red or blue, your answer to everyone who disagree's with you is your racist."

    Because the nasty racist sentiment expressed here by many is illustrative of just that - racism. To defend a person who refuses to help a person, any person in need based on their race is inherently racist. That's why.

    You further state; "Do you think people who put their kids on indo boats to travel to Australia are good people, personally i find that evil"

    I don't find it evil - no I don't. I find the people traffickers evil - yes. These people who go to another country, namely Indonesia then come here are, in my view largely economic refugees however that should never exclude them from humanitarian care in the hour of need. What are you suggesting? Are you suggesting that the St John's ex volunteer was right to say he couldnt help these people - that she couldn't give medical aid to women and children in need. What are you suggesting? They be left to die in their camp in Leonora simply because they arrived in Australia without authorization?

    You further state "I do not care what religion ethnicity or colour, wait your turn, the government should decide sadly Labour does not
    Personally i would prefer the billions we spend on these people who come here to be spent on Australians in need"

    Again - what do you suggest the Australian government do? Shoot them?

    You state "Some refo's settle well others have allegiances to their old country their religions & their beliefs than bring their hatreds here.
    Like the sudanese who resettled near me whose hatreds span generations & caused one family to have to be relocated after attempts to run down a 14yr old in a car, NO charges laid, again at the cost to taxpayer."

    So that's a good reason to deny to them medical care is it?

    You further state; "Seeing as Australia now has many different ethnicities, when do people start saying their Australian & reject their old country be it england pakistan sri lanka sudanese arab etc etc how many generations does it take??"

    Hmmmmm Ask most English people if they reject England and I think you will hear NO.

    You further state "Taylor what have you got to say to those genuine refo's who have lost their chance at resettlement due to the illegal entry of those with money.??? what is that becuase of the racist Australian people as well"

    Again - difficult to follow your English here but I would say to those people - sorry you will have to wait because these people have paid people smugglers and are in before you. Any who are not bona fide refugees we will deport immediately or as soon as possible. That's what I would say. What would you say? Sorry, there is the Indian Ocean.....start swimming.

    You state "Or Taylor what have you to say to a mate of mine who married an swedish woman, they spent thousands going through the migration process, & do not any support these refo's get before or after residency"

    I'd say "sorry mate. Hope your Swedish is ok and you have enough money to survive after she clean you out of everything you own including any child support you may have to pay."

    You write "I have re read this thread and find there is only one person spewing hatred & racism (towards Australians) lets go back to your original post St John volunteers had a wide range of opinions they were entitled to express and Ms Ruprecht's opinion on asylum seekers """"was not the issue""""", he said." NOT THE ISSUE."

    Yep and I agree with him. The issue is that she withdrew her service to those who may be in need based entirely on their status as refugees. Sounds racist to me.

    You write "she thought asylum seekers received too much from the government when others had to work for what they had."

    So based on that she withdraws what is ineffect humanitarian aid to these refugees. If you can't see something wrong with that, then you are beyond help.

    You state "lots of non racist people think the government spends to much on refo's my broadband is rubbish as i live in regional australia however a fellow local just got back from XMAS island where he rewired the detention centre, he jokes that the refo's broadband is better than ours, trivial but the money could have been better spent as why do refo's need internet access. Dont get me started on medical care."

    Oh I know. The politics of envy. They have it so much better than we do. Look at them. Driving Mercedes Benz cars, living in mansions, send their kids off to the best schools for the best of education, $2,000 dresses they ware etc etc are a goose.

    Finally you say "I hope you have learnt something taylor & will confront the hatreds you harbour."

    Yes I have learnt something. I have learnt that many Australians harbor deep resentment of others who are foreign based on racist attitudes and prejudice. Where I live in rural WA, I see it everyday. Racist Bogans and brainless prejudice.

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