AZS 0.00% $3.69 azure minerals limited

AZS chart, page-846

  1. 257 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 61
    And now we have a very interesting situation on the micro, and AZS has a shot at realizing the most immediate and most bullish potential. Again, not all over it because the structure for i is rubbish, But if it goes a tad higher (1.115-1.125) and retrace according to blue or black, then take off whatever high of potential (i) we strike, and then confirm by taking off high of i, we're likely off to the races. I like black better as it aligns with the 1.45 target, but can totally make it with blue in which case we can expect and extension in wave v (ie 1.105-1.28-1.20-1.45).

    Probably doesn't make any sense to most of you. But those who know, they know. And with this I won't bother anymore, was just following up on how I'm thinking of rebuying what I sold at 1.2

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Currently unlisted public company.

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