The Admin for my own SMSF came back to me this morning with
"although previously we have required your shares to be ASX listed, we will make an exception for IHL taking into account they are moving to USA"
>> There may be an additional fee added to the Annual return
>> That's not a big concern for me, saves any change in the constitution/deed, or even change to a new SMSF Admin person etc
>> In hindsight it's probably just their own internal requirements in order to keep their own fees within their guidance (doing extra work for International Shares probably cost them a little extra effort to navigate with each Tax Return)
Anyway all good from my SMSF Admin people.
I did a bit of googling this morning into this "DRS" thing that you and others have referred to and seems this could be the hiccup that Joel is attempting to navigate considering Commsec doesn't connect with DRS
I did notice some resources referring to DRS a lot; one being
Computershare, maybe.... just maybe
as you said Automic is not USA franchised, but Computershare is apparently, Joel may need to change our Share Registry to Computershare from Automic for a smoother transition?? Just a may not be the issue at all...
Time will tell, an evolving situation.....
Good luck