Ann: Imugene Oncolytic Virotherapy CF33 Patent Allowed in the US, page-63

  1. 3,494 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1705
    Yes this is all good and an important piece of the puzzle. However people suggesting,
    they wouldn't get a patent if it wasn't successful and so on - doesn't hold water.

    On my admittedly brief 10 mins of google searching it seems that patents are usually applied for in preclinical/Ph1 setting that is...very early on, in the process. This is an important step and necessary but one that all Biotech need to make.

    And if they are applied for this early on, it means there are heaps of companies that have done trials and failed and the patents are just worthless. It is just part of the business, that you gotta do, regardless of how it turns out.

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