Kerry O'Brien: "Australians are racist", page-105

  1. 44,333 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 642
    it's all radical Leftist craptalk, because it's what keeps them in a job and in the 'racism' business. .......

    first though, I am inclined to agree that, in comparison to, for eg, US, France and now also Italy aren't so racist on the surface. other countries such as China, Japan and some other Asian and ME states have subtle laws which effectively prohibit whites from enjoying the same "freedoms" as their native people. some are leftist, some are rightist - I'm really in doubt as to china's politics, neither one nor the other. despite the CCP being the controlling entity they also operate with fairly free private enterprise. yet the racism there is profound and Govt enabled.

    we've always prided our nation as egalitarian and largely on the surface this is true. but we have had such appalling record of treatment of immigrants, students and, yep, our Aboriginal people. strangely despite the obvious problems the US also considers itself egalitarian.

    we all have deep-seated anxieties about "others". its a primitive impulse coming from the earliest tribal conflicts. we can see such examples in chimpanzees where they will have full on tribal battles and shun those who aren't "Us" - we've had this conversation before so I won't go on further. but its a primitive survival instinct.

    and as people with British heritage we also have an unconscious class system and this is often seen in our politics as well as business.

    despite dragut's post immediately above yours, small children don't recognise difference in class or in skin tone. such sense of difference is something that is learned. and our best teachers are our parents.

    this discussion on the Voice, and O'Brien's comments have highlighted the problem, there's been a strong tone of intolerance, hatred, harsh judgement, use of old archetypal language and stereotyping of Aboriginal people. the attacks on Mayo are a prime example, similar to the attacks on others of the Yes! reference group.

    I see it plain as day. yet the word racist has only been mentioned by anti-Voice posters, even accusing we pro-Voice posters of accusing them (a clearly false accusation). this is a demonstration of the fear of actually being, or seen to be, "racist" (damn I hate that word). unconscious awareness of a fear of being tagged racist is a consequence of saying things that we know are clearly racist.

    this is all a bit psychological or sociological and the evidence you ask for is in this frame. one strong defence mechanism that comes into play here is the denial of racism if one fears they might be using racist terms.

    in many posts we often use the expression "Question everything" I urge everyone to question their own beliefs.

    nuff said.... I go too far..... the evidence is plainly before our eyes if we are brave enough to see it.
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