if you had been jewish in 1944 would you have discarded your ID papers?
do you want to bring back the white australia policy? do they speak our language - many migrants since 1945 didn't speak english how do you know what skills they have? - how come they are able to get jobs if they don't have the skills want?
why didn't they stay in another country on their way to OZ; what other country? many of them come from the indonesian camps and they have been there for years - they have already qualified as refugees - the problem is the time it is taking to allocate homes for refugees - how would you go in an internment camp for 5 years? would you try to escape?
-" do they have any contagious disease" like what? if they do - they are subject to medical checks - we have had refugees for many many years - i can't remember any outbreak caused by uncontrolled refugees arriving
"do they believe in the tolerant lifstyle of OZ, especially in relation to religious practices"
i haven't asked each of the4m - neither have you - you are making assumptions from the behaviour of a minority - you could accuse many ethic groups of the same thing (people from the balkans for example)
"do they believe in freedom of speech" same answer as above