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Ann: Share Purchase Plan to raise up to $3 million, page-11

  1. 3,686 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 329
    great feedback @ACEMINER. Thanks. I'm not sure Sunshine is quite right, but I'll recover.

    here's a wall chart for you to put next to your desk.

    I have to say, as much as I don't trust David M, if he pulls off the prepayment, I think you might need to get the slide rule out again. It is certainly transformational. And on the prepayment front, unless it turns up I think the investor loans of around A$7.7m recently deposited will be difficult to recover. My sense is Thorney, who looks to be exposed around A$3.5m, would have done quite a bit of due diligence on this front ...

    it's interesting that retail shareholders do not have to put their hands in their pockets until the prepayment is locked and banked. the suspicious part of me wonders why ...

    of course, each to their own.

    have a great day
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