a world without religion , page-22

  1. 186 Posts.
    Just wondering from an athiest point of view...is there such a thing as the begginning of time, space and the material? Has time, space, materiality always existed or would they have required to be created?

    If time, space and materiality has "always been" would that not be a contradiction to the very essence of time, space and materiality?

    Think about it for 5 mins, 1hr even a yr and try to come back with a logical response...you cant :). There is no logical response becuase there just had to be that original cell, nuetron or whatever that was created from nothing....

    If you were to say our universe is a trillion yrs old..lets make it 2 trillion...nah a billion trillion yrs..well what was before that? and before that.....
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