4DX 1.89% 52.0¢ 4dmedical limited

Frontiers of Imaging - Tomorrow (Melbourne), page-42

  1. 401 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 335
    Included in numerous asx announcements previously has been this image graphic showing their “pipeline” and strategy. The right side clearly displays their software being integrated with “existing hospital & radiology hardware”.

    If a shareholder spent 5 minutes reading 4DX’s reports when they come out, they’d likely already know 4DX initially expected to use existing CT equipment already in place in clinics Sorry if you felt like they hid that but maybe you should spend more time carefully reading their reports and announcements.

    You’re acting like the company’s being shady and hiding information. “Even the host was caught off guard”, from the quote you posted the host said “the next one I could probably answer myself”, seemed more like the host thought it was an obvious answer!

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