Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price writes - "Labor didn’t want to hear these voices", page-12

  1. 998 Posts.
    This might throw a cat among the pigeons. They want the treaty first. Anyone here know about the Widjabul clan to verify?

    Full petition wording below.

    Petition to King Charles III and his
    representative the Governor General of
    To: His Royal Majesty King Charles III,
    His excellency the Honourable David Hurley as his majesty
    s representative.
    We the undersigned sovereign people of this land, born into our tribal nations,
    tribes and clans, do hereby request your express powers to deny the issuing
    of the writs for the proposed referendum to alter the Commonwealth
    Constitution to recognise first peoples of Australia, and create a voice to
    parliament body.
    No consultation has taken place with the individual sovereign nations, tribes
    and or clans regarding this voice to parliament referendum.
    It is well established under tribal lore that no tribe can speak for or on behalf
    of any other tribe. No man or woman from any position, be they politician,
    bureaucrat or civilian, has a right to determine what may happen in regards to
    nations or tribal people.
    There can be no determination without representation and that includes
    consultation with the elders of all individual tribes. It will be regarded as
    breach of our tribal lore and
    an insult to our people for another nation to
    decide what happens to our people without requesting our consent.
    We hereby notify you, his royal highness King Charles III and Governor
    General David Hurley, that consent was never given nor requested to engage
    on the matters regarding this referendum. One nation cannot decide for other
    The crown has no authority to make laws for the undersigned nations, tribes
    or clans without a lawful treaty being in place first. The crown/commonwealth
    can only make laws for subjects of the crown/commonwealth, of which we are
    neither. The constitution only applies to subjects of the crown/commonwealth
    This is a usurpation of authority that the crown/commonwealth does not
    possess given that no treaty exists with the listed nations on this petition
    indeed with any tribal nation on this continent
    . This referendum does not and
    cannot apply to the original tribal people of this land to bring them under the
    crown or commonwealth. The issue of a treaty with the tribes has never been
    resolved by the crown and until then this referendum cannot go forward.
    We hereby request you cease and desist all or any actions required by you to
    issue the writs
    pertaining to the voice referendum or to bring this matter in
    any form
    to the people of Australia.
    We the undersigned clans hereby petition the Crown under the tribal
    seal of our people.

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