"Scare people"; Lies and disinformation, page-98

  1. 86,922 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    on the latter, yes it's pretty obvious that there's history.

    I think the real thing is that whilst yanks and Ozzies are different ------- they're not all that much different. Yes one can take away things like their gun culture and absolutely stupid religious culture etc. - but, underneath that, there're many similarities.

    Then there's the sleeper - the 2 party system or as good as. Which has meant that there's a body in the middle which swings.

    Now on the majority of that body - I probably agree that most of it could be reasonably sensible people.

    of that 'sensible' number - one still gets a split for either party - that's human variation.

    But there's a subgroup in the swingers - and that group is made up of wackadoodles - those who won't vote for any of the major two sides set in concrete but, they'll swing on the popularism --- and that puts them into either wacko votes - where the preferences go to wherever or on occasion they get wackos in parliament house

    when the margins are small - and they often are, sometimes they are really small - then, wackadoodledom actually swings the result.

    In America atm - if I spot it, I'll post it - there was a ? I think bbc article on analysis of states that would put Donald in or out on his bum again

    and that analysis showed that in all likelihood ---- the swing states only came down to about 4 states - out of 50

    meaning that there was a number that was probably already set - 23 would go for Donald, 23 would go for Democrats -

    and that the majority of the funding from both parties would go into the 4 states --

    now, if we think about who are the swingers IN THOSE states - then, one comes down to that there would be subgroups in those swingers

    wackadoodledom would be one such subgroup ---------------------------- geesus wept!!!!!!!!!!

    the world is dependent on such fine cuts - to either have one of a choice of loonies that is going to have the keys to the greatest military arsenal in history - with weapons that can reach any of us and if used, the result potential certainly would reach any of us.

    what can one say? gosh

    ps, there's one hope for Oz and that is the 2 party system seems to be breaking up - but, who knows what might end up with the balance of power at any point?
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