Putin's theoretical source

  1. 6,957 Posts.
    Putin asked Yeltsin for advice when he took over from the drunk.

    " Yeltsin reportedly handed him twenty five envelopes and said, if things go bad, open the first envelope. If things go really bad, open the second envelope, if things go really really bad open the third letter and so on.

    In 1999 till early 2000, things got really bad, The Central bank defaulted in 1998 and the effects were felt everywhere, unemployment was rife, stores were empty and people were in the streets hungry, angry and protesting.

    In desperation, Putin reached for the bottom drawer and pulled out the first envelope, in a small note, it was typewritten “Blame your predecessor”. tick

    As the years went on Putin made mess after mess and had to keep pulling out envelopes one a year......
    Blame Poland...
    Blame Germany ....
    Blame Italy ...
    Blame Britain ....
    etc til
    Blame the Yankees ....
    Blame Imperialism ...

    In 2022, with The Central bank at near default, people protesting in the streets, economy in shambles, and a war that isn’t going well, I hope Putin reaches for the second last letter ... ....
    Blame the EU.... tick

    Now 2023 has arrived and Putin is scraping the scum barrel by chatting up Kim Jong Un "

    Dejected and feeling deflated after the corpulent f'wit returned home without a promise of 1,000,000 troops Putin reached for the final letter.

    'Prepare 25 letters'. ...
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