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    From the Sydney Morning Herald:

    Abbott promises 'grown-up government' DYLAN WELCH AND KIRSTY NEEDHAM
    August 8, 2010 - 12:46PM

    Opposition Leader Tony Abbott promised Australia a "grown-up government" after a congratulatory embrace from his political hero John Howard at today's Liberal Party campaign launch.

    Mr Abbott, who entered the Queensland Performing Arts Centre in Brisbane to huge cheers, set out a three-month plan for a Coalition government and accused Labor of being only interested in itself.

    "They react only to a bad poll while we respond to your concerns," he said, adding that the Coalition would give Australia back "a grown-up government".

    "Not since 1975 has there been such a time in Australian politics. Our task is nothing less than to save Australia from the worst government in its history," he said.

    Advertisement: Story continues belowHe said Labor had tried to clobber the most successful industry in the country with its mining tax.

    About 1200 people crowded the Queensland Performing Arts Centre's main auditorium with about 200 Liberal diehards left disappointed after missing out on tickets at the front door.

    Earlier, former prime minister, John Howard, was ushered into the hall as rousing rock music was piped from speakers above.

    Holding paper placards that read "Stand up for Australia", "Stand up for families" and "Support real action", the crowd gave Mr Howard a one-minute standing ovation.

    Introduced by his deputy, Julie Bishop, Mr Abbott and Mr Howard hugged as the opposition leader moved towards the stage accompanied by his wife and two of his daughters.

    "Isn't it great to lead a united political party with a deputy I can trust, a predecessor who's a friend and a former prime minister who's a hero," Mr Abbott said to rapturous cheers.

    Mr Abbott outlined a step-by-step plan for a Coalition government's first weeks in office.

    Within the first week, a debt reduction taskforce, chaired by Joe Hockey and Andrew Robb, would be launched, Mr Abbott said.

    This would be followed by an economic statement and a Murray-Darling Basin plan, both to be issued in the government's first month.

    Also in its first month, Mr Abbott said a coalition government would act to clean up Labors bungled home insulation program.

    It would reimburse householders who organised their own roof inspections and those who had to have insulation removed due to safety concerns.

    Mr Abbott confirmed reports in today's Fairfax newspapers that he would introduce mandatory minimum sentences for people smugglers of 12 months.

    The worst offenders would face 10 years behind bars.

    He said he was asking for Australia's help to end waste, pay off debt, stop Labor's "big new taxes" and "the boats" and help families.

    "Not since 1975 has there been such a time in Australian politics. Our task is nothing less than to save Australia from the worst government in its history," he said.

    Aside from his already announced toughening of boat people laws, he also announced he would on "day one" of an Abbott government:

    Lift the "mining tax threat";
    Lift the "carbon tax threat";
    Start negotiations with the president of Nauru to re-open the refugee processing centre there;
    Act to stop marine parks;
    Suspend payments for the "schools halls" programme to the states and redirect the money to school communities.
    He also said he would, in his first week of governing:

    Announce his Cabinet and National Security Committee;
    Establish a debt reduction taskforce.
    In the first month of his government he said he would:

    Release an economic statement;
    Release the Murray-Darling Basin Plan for consultation;
    Re-introduce Temporary Protection Visas (TPVs) for boat people;
    Implement new arrangements to reimburse householders for insulation batts safety inspections;
    Publish the modelling associated with the Henry Tax Review.
    In the first three months of his government, he would:

    Prepare an Emissions Reduction Fund;
    Enact small business reforms;
    Finalise recruitment arrangements for a green army of environmental workers;
    Establish a National Violent Gangs Squad;
    Meet with COAG to secure agreement on hospital boards and beds;
    Visit Afghanistan.
    Earlier this week former Coalition treasurer Peter Costello said he believed an incoming government should implement a further round of personal tax cuts.

    However Mr Abbott said today that Mr Costello had a $20 billion surplus and that tax reform was much harder with a $40 billion deficit

    But Mr Abbott said if elected his government would within a year "outline its plans and its timetable for further reform".

    Liberal faithful gather in Brisbane

    Earlier, the Brisbane Lord Mayor, Campbell Newman, opened the launch. "Welcome to Brisbane, Australia's new world city," he said to loud cheers.

    He also took a casual swipe at former prime minister, Kevin Rudd.

    "Less than three years ago there was a bloke from Queensland that told us he was here to help us, he said he had a broad vision, that he plans and policies and he could take us forward ... but what's happen? Three years on, sadly, nothing has happened."

    Next at the podium was the West Australian Premier, Colin Barnett. He spoke of how the media had written him and his party off before his victorious election campaign.

    "Remember how the media said the Coalition opposition wouldnever win. But what Labor had done in WA was arrogant and cynical. To call an election in such a cynical way plagued their campaign throughout," he said.

    "There is obviously a parallel in this election. Whether you are Liberal or Labor, whether you live in the city or the country, whether you liked or dislike Kevin Rudd, Australians are not happy with what happened.

    "They see it as .... disrespectful to the Australian public. Australians have a very finely developed sense of a fair go and fair play and that is what Julia Gillard is struggling with now."

    He also spoke of what he said was the great damage wreaked by Labor's mining tax.

    "If Australia used to ride on the sheep's back, it leans on the miner's shovel today ... it will take a Liberal National government to not only axe that tax, but to restore international confidence in that great industry."

    Next up was the Nationals leader, Warren Truss.

    "Why should you believe any of the promises [Labor] makes? Remember this is the government that is still unable to rein in the incredible waste in its schools program.

    "Remember the home insulation ... and of course the boats won't stop coming. Indeed Labor seems to have given up on making decisions altogether.

    "New or old Kevin, new or old Julia, Labor simply will not make the hard decisions. This in not governing, this is loitering without intent. Everything has been about Labor's future, not yours," Mr Truss said.

    "We will give you a government you are proud of, not one you are embarrassed of."

    Liberal deputy leader Julie Bishop drew laughter from the crowd as she ridiculed the most "extraordinary" election campaign.

    "The real Julia was the solution to the fake Julia problem... now we are meant to believe Kevin Rudd is the solution to the real Julia problem?"

    Ms Bishop said Labor had become a soap opera.

    "Don't worry about the Bold and Beautiful, the Young and the Restless, try 'the vain and the ruthless'", she said.

    By contrast, the Coalition had experience in governing, having done it before, she said
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