Albo getting smashed by the ABC, page-53

  1. 9,496 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 522
    Yo Scott, let's not forget the biggest trial of covid-19 vaccines of all: the ongoing monitoring of the 13.5 billion jabs administered across the world in the nearly 3 years to Sep. 23. Data from ourworldindata.

    monitoring of which is undertaken in part through the Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System, or VAERS, where the signs of a minor increase in myocarditis were first noticed. You'll recall the considerable failed efforts of the antivaxx rabble to debauch VAERS as covid swept across the land.

    the pseudoscientists misinforming the population about all facets of the covid-19 pandemic are out in force on this thread i notice. Who i could describe as the obsessed rabble near the demented end of the antivaxx spectrum.

    i haven't missed them one iota, and what damage they did to medical science, and virology and immunology in particular, when they were at large.

    Yet it seems apt they've emerged on this thread to excrete yet more bs and fudge. To criticize the appointment of a number of experts, steeped in deep knowledge to run an inquiry into the federal govt's covid response.

    file under antivaxx pathetic.

    it is now common knowledge that the best people to run such an inquiry would be those who graduated from the Dunning-Kruger national park staff training, ie those who know nothing.

    the thread is a timely reminder of the anti science and anti knowledge base of the antivaxx pseudoscience.

    these ningnongs. They still live amongst us you know.

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