No wonder the LNP voters back JP... The truth about Jacinta Price the LNP don't want you to read

  1. 2,016 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 148
    Brilliant article on how JP claims to represent NT's indigenous commmunites but couldn't be further from the truth.....

    It's now coming to light that the very people JP claims to represent don't vote for her, this is not an opinion but fact as all this evidence is from booth-by-booth returns gathered over the last 2 elections. JP's election to the senate came overwhelming thanks to suburban voters in Darwin, Alice and Katherine! Not remote communities as she and all the RWNJ's love to parrot but from inner city suburban voters who are predominatly white. Yes you're reading that right, JP's constituency are predomintly WHITE inner city voters and not Indigenous vote from remote communites!

    In 2019 Price received a measly 36/500 votes from Yuendumu and Kintore, in Utopia, Haasts Bluff and Papunya she recieved 38/600, In Hermannsburg, Areyonga and Ampilatwatja she got 46/600. Votes in other remote communites follow a similar trend! The following elections also followed a similar trend, so why does JP claim to represent the very people who aren;t voting for her??? No wonder the rwnj's love to parrot her around, there the only people voting for her....

    Before becoming a senator in 2018 a petition started circlulating in protest against her and her mother Bess Price being represented as a community leader, more than 10,000 people signed the petition that JP and her Momm DO NOT represent them or speak on their behalf! Neither of them have been elected as Aboriginal leaders.

    So that brings us to today and why the LNP rwnj's love to have her front an centre, JP answers only to the LNP and SHE DOES NOT represent remote communites as they love to say so much. Remote communites DO NOT vote for her, they DO NOT endorse her! The only people voting for her are white inner city voters....... - article link
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