Save Our Only Ocean, page-475

  1. 18,431 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 187
    @Sweetsound - The supermarket grumble was just that a 'grumble' - I am usually polite and tolerant - even paid cash today, as I couldn't find my bank card in a hurry. I always have some cash on me, pay my gardener cash, make gifts to family, kids in cash (small amounts, I am not rich).
    I no longer know what to say to friend or 'foe' or know who is even 'friend' or 'foe' - recently was totally misquoted, then misunderstand by who I thought were friends (had met the person in real life a number of times, got too chatty - me!) and found I was misinterpreted -
    so it seems a lot of 'stuff' is happening in the big world too. Recently a 'friend' who had done a great job for a cheap price for the re-framing of about 30 paintings (which were given to me by @NoBoDe; he gifted me 80 in total, lots still unframed) turns out to be supporting the war Russia is fighting, same with another close friend. I no longer speak my 'opinion' - except within close family. So 'opinion' should not be an influence in a friendship which has spanned 25 years - all after my husband died - hence very supportive over a long time.

    The world is a big place and humanity simply got too big for it - so we will have to bear some consequences.

    Which other species on this planet needs to clothe their body in a different kind of garment and dress for different seasons, occasions, needs different creams for each body part, needs multiple rooms to live in, needs other locomotion than its own feet? Doesn't bury its waste, creates huge amounts of waste generally etc. etc. - and now add to it the media waste. I have recently become aware of my salad of cables, and all kinds of no longer in use electronic gadgets, even have an old computer next to my new one, now yet another mobile to get rid of - etc. etc.

    Wars will always be with us - we are simply not evolved enough to do without.

    I think pandemics are the result of 'too many humans' in so many situations - and there will be more. Incidentally I am not a great wearer of masks, believe a healthy dose of germs is a good thing - apart from early in my life (and the last 2 1/2 years) I have been free from most of the diseases my fellows, male or female, suffer from - and now I am on a mission to get well again and succeeding, but it is painful - sore muscles every night confused.png

    Recently an acquaintance returned from a 3-month stay in Britain (he and his wife are English originally) and returned almost depressed at the situation of people pressure on all kinds of services etc. - I still have friends in Europe who have alternative homes - or live permanently in the country, or in mountain areas and they seem to be sane and happy, but you go to the big cities and there is all kinds of petty crime happening, newcomers are no longer welcome, as they are mostly male, young and not allowed to work until their status is determined, many come from discriminatory societies (where women are secondary citizens) and cause trouble . . .

    I still believe Uranium will be our power source of the future - but we need to develop a different reactor, it is on the drawing board, I believe it's called a 'fusion reactor' -

    We are one heck of an evolutionary experiment, either by nature or by g.d - but still as yet 'unfinished'
    Just IMO - don't lose any sleep over it, do the right thing, because your life is just a little life and made of such stuff as dreams (and music) are made of . . .

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