latest roy morgan poll alp 57.5% libs 42.5%, page-115

  1. 8,527 Posts.

    Could not agree more.

    This election campaign is nothing but an entertainment circus, with Gillard the star attraction - she is a PERFORMER!! Up on the trapeze - an Actress!

    The screaming audiences typified by TV shows such as Australian Idol are the equal of the voting public today. They want all tizz and sequins, and many have never had a serious thought in their lives, beyond their next date, their next drink, their next shopping spree. The spoilt young crowd - living it up.

    The younger generation of voters have been raised entirely on a diet of "Vote Labor" by heavily Left Wing schoolteachers, and later on, at University by deep ink to red lecturers!
    They are actually brainwashed intoi voting LAbor, and will vote that way their whole lives, without thinking about alternates, or issues, or policies. I know this is true from a School Principal in our family, a rare non-leftie!

    Socialism, for them, is good - and God! After all, surfers, for one, cannot exist without the Labor Party dole.

    They see Conservatives as old, boring squares whose policies aren't worth consideration. Won't even look at them! Dullsville. Just queque up and mark their ballot papers like automatans, every election, without giving the whole process a thought! It's TRENDY to vote LAbor - everyone does it!

    Never mind that the Liberals, provenly, can run the country's finances better.
    And are not being leaned on by the Unions. Their ranks not full of socialists who have never run a business or worked for a real boss in their lives. Just install more bureacrats, and let small businesses sink or swim.

    When WILL the pennies ever drop. NOT on August 21st it seems. Ever? Labor are now SO entrenched in the younger minds.

    And so we are in for three more years of even WORSE dirge, disaster, decay of living standards. AND rising energy bills when ideas come to fruition thought up by unqualified crackpots like Penny Wong and Tim Flannery.

    Lastly, with a Senate, (quite possibly), run by Bob Brown and his nutters. (Anyone read Greens financial policies??)

    And lastly, we'll have the Mining Tax - AND the Carbon Tax.

    I for one am extremely worried about outcomes if Labor get in next Saturday. I think it bodes ill for Australia, and will be the start of a very very dark, black and bleak period.

    Liars and cheats do not deserve to win. Nor do backstabbers. I prefer to install people of character.
    People one can look up to as havig some sort of integrity and ethics.

    After three years already of Labor's huge messes and in-fighting, I just did not think Aussies were this stupid!

    Or that shallow!! When a woman like Gillard can Bamboozle them with bull's droppings.

    People now moan how phony Rudd is - (why did it take them three years to twig to that??) - can't they see that his former Deputy is his equal, well trained in the "phoniness" department? Will it take yet another three years for it to dawn on them? And where will good old OZ be by then?? Down the gurgler - that's where! Going from bad - to much worse! How long will it then take anyone to mend the fences? Decades - just to get back to square one!

    Small miners must be shaking in their boots. And who will they raid next for money to fill their huge deficit black hole? Just pounce on some other section of the business community - out of the blue - like they did with the miners. (And Therese sold her mining shares prior to that pounce it is said?)

    Wake up Australia - for heaven's sake! You're being led by the nose at present - straight to your slaughter!

    NOTHING HAS CHANGED!!! RUDD's 2 IC has thrown him out and taken over from him. She's no better. Perhaps she's worse, making policy on the run again, as he did.
    And he'll still be there! A Minister. Same Party - same Policies! JUst sitting in different chairs!
    Worst of all, same EGOS!

    Penny Wong - Wayne Swan - they may well be the new PM and Deputy PM down track. Nothing would suprise me, they are THAT ruthless!

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