Israel on War Alert - Operation Swords of Iron enacted, page-2743

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    The IDF seized documents andweapons from Hamas terrorists captured and killed during Hamas's assault onsouthern Israel.


    President Isaac Herzog showed CNN a guide on Sunday found on Hamas terrorists which laid out how the terrorists would torture and kidnap hostages as they stormed southern Israel.

    "We are facing a most cruel, inhuman enemy,whom we must dislodge without mercy," said Herzog to CNN. "Thisdocument was found on the body of one of the terrorists, it's a booklet. Thisbooklet is an operating manual, how to enter citizens' yards, kibbutz, city,moshav...And first of all what do you do when you find the citizens? Youtorture them. This is the booklet that says exactly how to torture them, how tokidnap them."

    Weapons used by Hamas in its assault on southern Israel seized by the IDF.(credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)

    "There is no justification. It's simply an ideology fromISIS that wants to eliminate us off the ground, and therefore they need to be eliminated off the ground."

    Terrorists instructed to use electrocution, chaos to control hostages

    A copy of the guide was provided to the press. Theguide explains in detailed steps how Hamas terrorists should capture and gatherhostages, including directions to use shock grenades, electrocution, violence,and gunfire to cause chaos and terrify the hostages.

    The guide adds that hostages should be "killedwhen necessary" and that some of them should be used as human shields. Theterrorists were additionally instructed to start killing hostages if they wereattacked.

    The guide additionally explains that the terroristsshould use car bombs, snipers, suicide bombings, and ambushes to control the areascaptured.

    The terrorists were instructed to take the IDs ofthe hostages and to record their personal details. The guide additionallydetails that they should be ready to broadcast the situation in a live stream.

    The guide also includes a chart explaining theranks of the IDF and the weapons and electric warfare tools used by the IDF.

    The IDF Spokesperson's Unit also reported on Sundaythat the IDF's Intelligence Directorate had found operating manuals and plans,satellite phones, contact methods, and encrypted numbers used by Hamas duringits storming of southern Israel.

    On Saturday, reservists opened a complex at theheadquarters of Unit 8200 to conduct research, analysis, and investigations ofthe evidence found on Hamas terrorists killed and captured during the attack onIsrael.

    One of the documents found detailed which Hamasforces took part in the storming of southern Israel. IDF soldiers also found adocument on the body of a Hamas terrorist which detailed the plan to attackKibbutz Alumim.

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