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Ann: Spargoville 5A Nickel Mine, page-24

  1. 1,244 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 118
    I retired 40 I’m fit at 53 , I live all over planet
    so when’s my bad luck coming pmsl

    they bs for years then preach what u reap u sow
    that’s correct they can’t even see the saying hammered them not me ,

    you treated thread as own , you ran out all those posters you mentioned, they were correct

    now live with what you sowed!

    u did this not me …….

    support of board on elephants to 650 km bs drives to spargo it never stopped, regal …. It never stopped

    all made up …. Yes you reap what you sow
    Oct 2023 ….. correct

    so name posters who did not do that
    ohhhh u did but you say they are trouble

    no they are correct! Why does it need explanation
    reap what u sow …. Pmsl
    Last edited by Theharbinger: 17/10/23
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