Israel on War Alert - Operation Swords of Iron enacted, page-3048

  1. 42,224 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1024
    Unfortunately we could be witnessing the gold standard of the Stockholm Syndrome. The play book of the final solution. The N
    agba replaces those efficient trains telling the victims they are going to a better place. Apartheid was child's play uncomplicated by religion. The current is religion + ethnicity though the latter is debatable. Are Jews considered a race or religion since the bloodline flows through the mother only.

    Final solution rings any bell? Opportunism or a manufactured reason? I think the speculations are much strong than the 911 conspiracy but is still one.

    Comparing to Ukr conflict where the Nazi label came out immediately and msm/pollies went looking for war crimes then settled on Butcha. The real Butcha by a factor of many thousands is taking place and the new game in town, hoodwink or dialled down rhetoric of complains aka lip service.

    Thank god we don't need to send Bushies but our blind faith in the rules based order is more than ever required.

    Here is an excerpts from Putin published a few days ago.

    "You've just said 'rule-based order.' Have you ever seen those rules? No, you haven’t, because no one has agreed on them with anyone. So how can one talk about order based on rules that no one has ever seen? In terms of common sense, it’s nonsense.

    But it is beneficial to those who promote this approach. Because if no one has seen the rules, it only means that those who talk about them are making them up themselves from time to time to their own advantage. That is the colonial approach.

    Because colonial countries have always believed that they are first-rated people. After all, they have always talked about bringing enlightenment to their colonies, that they are civilized people who bring the benefits of civilization to other nations, whom they consider second-rate people.

    No surprise today’s political elite, say, in the United States, talks about its exceptionalism. This is the extension of this colonial mindset, meaning that when they consider themselves exceptional in the United States, it means that other people, all the people in fact, are just some second-rate people.

    How else could one understand it? Those are mere vestiges of colonial thinking, nothing else.

    Our approach is quite different. We proceed from the fact that all people are equal, all people have the same rights; the rights and freedoms of one country and one nation end where the rights and freedoms of another person of an entire state appear.

    This is the way in which a multipolar world should be evolving gradually. This is exactly what we are striving for, and this is the basis of our interaction with China on the international stage."
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