Q: Prime Minister, Why are we having a Referendum and what is it?
Albo: It'sh jusht a shimple one page, importat, shtatement from the heart based on the Uluru Shtatement .
Q: Does it incorporate or lead to the next steps of Makarata? Voice; Truth; Treaty?
Albo: It has nothing to do with any of that, it'sh just a ONE PAGE shimple generoush proposhal for a Voisch to recognish Aboriginal people in the Constitushion. It's very impotat that we do thish as Aushtralians.
Q: Have you read the full 26 pages of the Uluru Statement?
Albo: Why would I?
And that folks is a massive FAIL. A dunce PM who doesn't even understand the full impact of the costly, divisive and racist proposal he has foisted upon the Australian public. $Half a billion dollars (and counting) of taxpayer's money wasted, and what for? Division, dismay and disappointment. Resign now! Australia's worst PM !