babyboomer times mean bust for their children , page-2

  1. 2,884 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 37
    A greedy generation, who polluted our planet and now want the yonger generations to pay for it (we will be the laughing stock of the world with the carbon tax), plus pay for their retirement (SASS, pensions, expensive old peoples health care), they have been encouraging us to buy homes (the great ponzi scheme and most of us fell for it), move out to the outer suburbs where and buy an old house just to start off with.. (prices are not going up in these areas, the property in the cities where the baby boomers live have risen) little did they know we may still be there til we are 50yrs old (when we pay it off early), in a house worse off than the welfared neighbours live in... they have foxtel too... Trying to get ahead, you might have invested in the great Austrailan resources boom. Only to find out, Labour wants to steal your hard earned investment by announcing another tax. Youve probably gone backwards. If they wanted to join in, in receiving the profits they should have invested their own money.. Not given dole bludgers, ciggerette smokers and other people who waste their money on crap a part of the profits. They had their chance and chose to invest their money in things like booze and foxtel.

    Anyway the boomers will deny it all and tell you your mad, saying they had to pay 18% interest rates.... to get their 2-3 propertys. Anyway better keep saving and paying off your HECS debts, the mortgage etc. Utility bills are rising and there is only one way for them to go..

    They wasted their money on divorce.. and tell you their life is tough.. But even if you dont go through divorce in your lifetime, the boomers will still have been multiple times better off.

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