babyboomer times mean bust for their children , page-14

  1. 411 Posts.
    Howdy jakspara i concur on club sharer added to favourites.

    great response from the genx's/gen y's however again a very hollow response/defense from BB's.

    I've given up argueing with them not that there ever is much content to argue & now just shake my head much like a retired BB family friend who's father left him a sizeable share portfolio who delights in telling all, his kids wont be getting any of it, (but fails to see the irony)
    who tells me he is doing it tough, poor fellow, just got back from 3 months holidaying in Europe, meanwhile his daughter & husband struggle both working to pay off mortgage & look after 2 toddlers.

    what did the article say "colossal selfishness "

    Maybe BB's should read the book How the Baby Boomers Took Their Children's Future and Why They Should Give It Back, a new book by David Willetts, a British Conservative party MP since 1992 and recently appointed Minister of State for Universities and Science in the coalition government of David Cameron.

    Willetts, is a boomer (he was born in 1956)

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