already actu plotting to remove gillard, page-25

  1. 1,261 Posts.
    Yeah that's right a one issue party Thor.

    High on the green agenda.

    Gay marriage

    Compensation to alleged stolen gens.

    Declaration of war to be made by the people.

    Three obviously green platforms.

    I can't understand where the hell the gay thing came from though.

    The greens had good ideas once. I thought they had noble causes. Now just a bunch of self-riteous, selfish and self-serving individuals. Would so many people have voted for the gay party? No.

    Of course in this country of free speech, I have to put forward the usual disclaimer that I don't hate gay people. Got sick of having to preface everything I say with that comment so now I just don't say it anymore. You should try it and see how many people want to judge you straight away. Hold your cool with these clowns because they will be the first to abuse you.

    The greens have been hijacked by these individuals who care only about themselves.

    Now they want to hijack your way of life and increase your cost of living by a massive percentage all on the back of untested science.

    Speak out against the greens or dare to have your own opinion and you are nothing but a bigot. You don't have to talk to these 'loving' people for long to realise just how nasty and intolerant they are.

    Face it guys, we are going to have around three years of relative nothingness, but that may be a good thing. Bit of stability. Next election the greens will be halved at least.
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