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    Nuclear for Australia Newsletter

    Thank you for signing our petition for nuclear energy to be legalised in Australia. My name is Will Shackel and I'm the founder of Nuclear for Australia. This email is the first of our fortnightly updates where we will keep you up to date with our progress and the broader nuclear debate.

    In this email:

    1/ Q+A Success

    2/ Will Shackel interviewed on The Briefing Podcast

    3/ Social Media Highlight: How China is becoming a world leader in nuclear energy

    4/ Nuclear News

    Q+A Success


    Last month, our founder Will Shackel appeared on an energy-themed episode of Q+A with Chris Bowen, Ted O'Brien, Allegra Spender and Nicki Hutley. Will made a compelling case for the ban on nuclear energy to be lifted and contested claims that lifting the ban would be a 'distraction', nuclear energy was too expensive and that Australia would struggle to manage nuclear 'waste'. You can read our full update on the episode and watch the recording using the link below.

    Will Shackel interviewed on The Briefing Podcast


    A few weeks ago our founder Will Shackel was interviewed by Katrina Blowers for The Briefing Podcast. Will discussed his passion for nuclear energy and explained the backstory of how he started Nuclear for Australia. You can listen to the full interview using the link below.

    Social Media Highlight: How China is becoming a world leader in nuclear energy


    Last week on social media we highlighted how China has quickly become a world leader in nuclear energy with 22 nuclear reactors currently under construction.

    China already has 55 reactors including 'Shidao Bay 1' which is regarded as one of the first land based Small Modular Reactors in the world. In addition to their 22 reactors under construction, China is reportedly planning a further 150 to reach their goal of 10% total power generation from nuclear energy by 2035.

    As China quickly positions itself as a world leader in nuclear energy, why is Australia not taking advantage of the enormous opportunity? What do our politicians know about nuclear energy that China doesn't?

    Nuclear News


    Saudi Arabia announces crucial step forward in its nascent nuclear power plans

    Saudi Arabia announced its commitment to building a nuclear energy program, as well as a pledge to allow greater oversight for atomic energy inspectors, at a time when the kingdom is pushing ahead with its drive to become a more powerful player on the international stage.

    Read the full article from CNBC

    Nuclear overtakes coal as preferred energy source, but solar is king

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    Nuclear energy has stronger support than coal-fired power and there is net public backing to lift the moratorium and allow it to be considered as part of the mix, according to the latest AFR/Freshwater Strategy poll.

    Read the full article from the AFR

    'Reliable and safe’: World seeing global shift to nuclear energy

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    Former ANSTO CEO Dr Adi Paterson says the world is starting to see a big shift in nuclear energy, which will reduce the price of electricity in a reliable and safe manner.

    Read the full article from Sky News Australia

    Petition Update


    Thank you for your support as we work together to legalise nuclear energy in Australia.

    Kind Regards,


    Will Shackel
    Founder of Nuclear for Australia

    Nuclear for Australia






    Nuclear for Australia · Australia


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