Why do humans keep inventing Gods to worship?, page-153

  1. 6,761 Posts.
    You know full well that evolution, transmutation, or change in the progression of a creature across tens-of-millions of years can not be demonstrated via an experiment by a human who lives for a handful of decades. You challenge is nonsensical.

    The evidence for the change to lifeforms and an increase in complexity through the ages is not storytelling this is just a religious push-back trope. It's often paired with, evolution is also a religion, once again a weak fundamentalist counter.

    Science is amoral, only a handful of scientific types get distracted enough by fundamentalists to even bother to try to knock some sense into them, not realising that evidence and proofs have little to no effect on such people.

    We have a fossil record, geological strata and formations and genetics that indicate that life began billions of years ago and over time radiated out into clades, then myriad species, gaining complexity all the while. It's there for all to see and interpret using our God-given brains.

    Now if Special Creation was a truth it would be self-evident, but we find not a single piece of evidence to support it. Everything points to gradual change and an increase in complexity over time and we came up with a word to describe what we see and what the evidence tells us.

    That word is evolution. It has no anti-religious connotations, it just is what it is, except when confronted by Creationist beliefs. So if your God exists and He is the Creator, then He has used evolution as one of His many aspects of Creation and He is still using evolution because every living creature is still evolving.

    How life began is another story, because evolution is most evident when something comes into being and is capable of evolving. There are no challenges to God via evolution.
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