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Ann: Quarterly Activities/Appendix 5B Cash Flow Report, page-2

  1. 1,115 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 6454
    The Dorchap Range lithium project is worthy of further consideration. The first intersection of 10m @ >1% LiO2 is from the first five holes of the first phase of drilling. The company has noted that higher lithium results are from coarser grained pegmatites which may be why the widths and grades appear to be increasing with depth. The are over 1000 known pegmatite dykes in the area, some with considerable strike length. The Victorian Geological Survey bulletin over 100 years ago concluded there were over 900. Gold mines are also present in the area although not a current focus until something interesting is observed.

    The topography of the mountains is such that if the pegmatites are worked it may well be from an adit or decline from the valley floor giving 300-400m of mineralised pegmatite above the adit level. This would also assist with intersecting the pegmatites at depth where coarser and richer grades may occur. I don't think an open pit is likely and a drive in adit would have environmental benefits as well. Drilling from the valley floor may also be worth a go if they can get close enough to the lodes to intersect them with reasonable length holes. Imagine hitting the lodes at 3-400m below the valley floor and having 600-800m of lode above that level.

    DYOR. Not investment advice.
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