IHL 0.00% 4.1¢ incannex healthcare limited

Ann: IHL Intends to Redomicile to US & List all Shares on Nasdaq, page-522

  1. 3,848 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1920
    Dow and NASDAQ up 2 & 1.8%. Good positive moment over the last few days. Yields down 12 basis points, easing inflation now dropping with slowing labour costs and economic outlook easing. Feds holding on hiking interest rate for the year
    Might be a perfect storm and good timing for listing.
    New investor audience, ASX selling pressure removed, opportunity to buy undervalued heavily manipulated equity on a new platform with possibly 2 drug pathways 42X 675A to acquisition territory in 12-24 months, strong fundamentals, good COH, Clarion cashflow near term with PSI-IND, experienced and we'll renowned team guiding each pathways through regulatory/phase 2-3 trials showing excellent efficiency and safety thus far.
    IXHL up 8% during most of trading last night up and 13% in the last 5 trading days. Are the 5-6ct day over.
    Great opportunity for the US Investors in the health care space.
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Currently unlisted public company.

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