would you vote differently

  1. 2,320 Posts.
    I am not sure a fresh election would create a clear result.

    Would you vote differently?

    Note - I am not asking if you think others would - but would you actually vote differently??

    Plenty of Liberal voters claiming the Libs would increase their vote - but problem is they already voted Liberal - where are the extra votes coming from??

    Some Labor voters suggest that some people lodged a protest vote against Rudd's dumping but would switch back to preference Labor if a new vote was held (having now realised how close Abbot got). I'm not convinced there would be big numbers.

    Some people suggest the greens and indepenents votes would be hammered in a new election as people seek a definative outcome. But conversly others argue the minors would do even better as the public would be annoyed at the majors not managing to sort it out. But in either case who is to say the split to Labor and Liberal wouldn't be roughly equal anyway.

    So back to the question - who would actually vote differently? (I'd vote the same again)
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