SHN 0.00% 0.7¢ sunshine metals limited

Ann: 17m @ 22.1 g/t Au Hit Confirms Liontown Feeder Zone, page-419

  1. 1,115 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 6454
    Damien Keys believes that they have found a feeder zone with one of the key pieces of evidence being altered and mineralised structures at right angles to the VMS lodes. He also made clear that future drilling will prove or disprove the point. That will be early next year. I don't expect the other RC holes to provide proof and I expect a few to have little or no intersections whilst some will hit the mineralised zones.

    The diamond core hole has been described and should have a useful intersection with some high grade.

    The high grade gold extends at depth and although confined to a shoot, there is no evidence of supergene enrichment having any real influence.

    The existing resources, being revised now, are more than enough to justify the share price and more. The grade is high and resources are shallow. I would like to see a few holes in the 500m to 1000m zone to see if we can rapidly increase the tonnage.

    I cannot say that the feeder zones exist but the assets more than justify the interest in the company. Drilling will reveal all.

    DYOR Not investment advice
    Last edited by GeoFiji: 07/12/23
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