Oh Mighty Allah.........., page-16

  1. RM
    7,469 Posts.
    Quran translates to "that which is being recited" it is Mohamed's enlightenment from the sky. It doesnt follow chronological order and themes change mid chapter. The book was collated after his death and a common theme is denuding the judeochristian prophets predating his arrival by thousands to hundreds of years and stating that God speaks through him and be doomed if you dont submit. Its worth reading but there is little continuity of thought process.
    Hadiths are anecdocal writings from people faithful to Mohamed and alive in his day. They are generally unrelated to each other. Bukhari a scholar apparently vetted almost 100000 hadiths whittling it down to around 5 or 6000 which are recognised as the most accurate. Major hadith narrators or collectors include people such as Malik, Abu Dawud, Muslim, Nesei etc. The Bukhari book is called Sahih.
    The Hadiths cover mundane things such as Mohamed stood while urinating and which shoe he always put on first. He also grew a beard so that is why Mohamadian fundies grow bears, by emulating his actions they believe in a brownie point system to get to paradise.
    The 6 year old bride was called Aisha apparently his most beautiful of all his wives.
    Mohamed was married by an older women who's business helped him become a successful trader.
    This may suggest a reason for the role or perception of women in islam.
    Women where deficient in mind because they could not worship while having menses.
    Legally Sharia law requires the testimony of two women to equal a man hence the Nigerian women will be stoned for adultery while the man gets off scott free. Unless there where two other female witnesses to outvote him in court. Quote Bukhari Vol. 3 Book 48 No. 826.
    A prayer is nullified if a dog, donkey, or a women passes in front of the person Buk hari Vol 1 Book 9 No. 493 Narrated by Aisha.

    Although Mohamed indulged in many wives he did not give permission for Ali bin Abi Talib to marry his daughter Fatima because being part of him he would feel their pain. Quote Buk hari Vol 7 book 62 No. 157. Make your own judgements.

    The voilent quotes attributed to the Quran are correct and there are multiple internet sites allowing you to read an english version of the book.

    The jewish christian book Genesis states that the descendents of Ishmael would become a large nation but the blessings would not flow through his lineage as his mother Hagar was a bondwomen. Isaac would receive the covenant being born to a free woman Genesis 17:18-22. Gen 21: 12. Abraham (the father of the half brothers) and the Jewish patriach and prophet, casts them out with Gods apparent approval. The arabs follow the lineage through Ishmael therefore Jews and Arabs are kissing cousins. This i believe could be the greatest source of Islamic jewish hatred.

    The Quran states in numerous quotations that God did not have a son, so Christians are out. Quran Surah XVII (23) & Surah XXV (26) There are quotes such as that Jesus was never crucified but a likeness was shown of him to deceive the apostles.

    The reason for this post is that everyone who seems level headed on this forum states lets have understanding so to understand you need to research the Quran and the hadiths that mould and shape muslims. Do your own research and make your own judgements after reading it yourself.

    One other point i noticed that was distinctly different compared to Christian Jewish Buddist Seihk Hindu religion is that Muslims believe in demons called Jinns, they are infact creations of God and are his servants?

    Do the suicide bombers get virgins in paradise its promised in fact their are nymphs in paradise called houris for the pleasure of couples who make it to heaven

    Who is Allah I dont know but it cant be the Christian god because there beliefs of Jesus rules it out. Is it Jahweh or Elohim. For those with a Jedeochristian bent the website www.bibleofelohim.com/ebook/islamdanger.htm
    provides one conspiracy theory and many hindu sites are aghast as most religeons venerate and pray to god facing upward in adulation while Moslems are on all fours with there backside pointing to the heavens. Common theme in many sites not all stemming from Kashmir groups

    Its draining trawling through material from different religions a lot is clearly bigotry but it is useful to get an insight in what might motivate some people

    Regards RM
    Foot note Jason Mc Cartney apparently gave his seat several times to other injured victims on the plane flight back to Darwin although he was seriously burnt. Gutsy and highly respect Kangaroo footballer gutsy Aussie block- all the best.
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