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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 187
    Well Mister @Aykash you've got your history somewhat mixed up - The Turks managed to 'take' Constantinopel in 1465 and continued to invade Europe (initially Hungarian lands and later the lands of the Habsburg empire) in many major and minor skirmishes over a period of 200 years
    (Battle of Mohacs in 1526 against the Hungarians which the Hungarians lost and as a result turned Hungary into a perpetual battle field), laid siege to Vienna, and were finally defeated first at Belgrade by Prince Eugene fighting for the Austrian Empire (he was of French nationality) - at one stage - earlier - the Turkish siege of Vienna (1683) was broken by combined European forces led by the Polish King Sobieski - yes there were pockets of Islam left behind, in what is now Bosnia, Kosovo. The last battle for Europe was lost by the Turks at Peterwardein (Hungary) in 1699 - and it was left to many settlers from Germany and Western Europe, called by the Austrian emperors to restore the devastated lands, resettle the areas bereft of human beings . . . .


    Great creatures of culture, the Turks! - now they are again a niggling pain in many European countries, particularly their numerous offspring, who have trouble at school, returning to homes where only Turkish is spoken . . . . I do know some teachers who battle with this every school year.

    The North African muslim settlers in Spain were also routed by several Spanish and Catholic kings, but did leave beautiful buildings behind (Alhambra) and the wonderful guitar - among those muslims were many educated people, who had good knowledge of medicine, science, mathematics, etc. no comparison to the present-day migrant who seems to only bring a backward faith, and ability to produce large families (which is a pain upon this earth - too many humans already) and a generally medieval attitude as regards women etc. - they do not integrate well into Western societies.

    Re Constantinopel - seems the Turks and the muslim faith benefit when there is general chaos, disease etc. devastating a previous civilisation - as happened with what is now Istanbul - the Ottomans took a city which was the head of a crumbling empire (Byzantine) as well as having been devastated by various inroads of the Plague and other infectious diseases.

    a little bit of history:

    "On the afternoon of 29 May 1453 the Sultan entered the long-desired city. Riding a white horse, he advanced down an avenue of death. The city of Constantinople was being put to the sack by the triumphant Ottoman army. According to an observer from Venice, blood flowed through the streets like rainwater after a sudden storm; corpses floated out to sea like melons along a canal. An Ottoman official, Tursun Beg, wrote that the troops 'took silver and gold vessels, precious stones, and all sorts of valuable goods and fabrics from the imperial palace and the houses of the rich. In this fashion many people were delivered from poverty and made rich. Every tent was filled with handsome boys and beautiful girls."

    Of course, being a migrant myself I have hope that the majority of migrants of any nationality do make that leap into total integration with their host societies, if not in the first generation, then in the second or third.
    I am old enough to remember the enmities going on in Australia between Croats and Serbs - and that has all but disappeared in the next generation, both peoples having provided many valuable members to their new country, many of whom making a success in their professions - sport! especially comes to mind.

    Go well

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