What is God's Kingdom?, page-1328

  1. RM
    7,468 Posts.
    I will try to post more but time being limited and I am drawn more to Christian forums rather than general forum.

    What I did notice was how Mr Gordon identified false religion with regards to the Pharisees yet the JW take their same position.

    The greater than I quote generally is a Muslim argumentation and a very bad one at that. Again Mr Gordon takes the side not only of the Pharisees but now of the Muslim polemicists

    But if he wants to remain consistent then he has just made the disciples of Jesus who is the archangel Michael in his religion greater than the son of God himself. That is if he is Great at being consistent.

    “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.

    Obviously Jesus does not mean the works of the Apostles would be greater than His, it is the spread of the gospel and the miracles performed would be greater in number so Jesus is making not a qualitative statement but a quantitative statement.

    The fact that Jesus is returning to the Father is also why the Apostles should be joyful because while he remains on earth Jesus cannot share in the divine glory that He and the Father shared. The voluntary emptying of himself to enter time and space to redeem His people was a task on earth hence once that was completed we see Jesus use command language toward the Father to give the glory they both shared before the creation of the world.

    Jesus being able to use command language toward the Father does not make Him qualitatively better than the Father.

    Nor does Jesus role on earth in which he voluntarily shed his divine glory make His divine nature inferior to the Father.


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