disgusting shambles, page-41

  1. 487 Posts.
    there is a huge difference between Rudd&Gillard Co and Gough. At least Gough stood for something,something he believed in and he's not afraid to show them

    In the current ALP and the Greens, they have no belief, they are soulless, driven by only one motivation that is to grip onto power in order to satisfy their self-interests and egos, which are more important than Australia's best interests.

    I'm not saying the coalition is different, but they still have something substantial, they still stand for their founding values.

    Voters need to realize the ALP no longer stands for the values on which it's founded. It's sad to see the corruption of a political institution, infiltrated by selfminded schemers and hungry cockroaches. Until the ALP can clean itself up, it's not worth voting for.

    I'm not surprised Gillard is an atheist, apparently she doesnt believe in anything apart from herself and her ideas.Climate change is the Greens' religion, of course.
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