The way, the truth, and the life – Jesus Christ, page-23

  1. 5,720 Posts.
    We all know that Now, not like the OT times, that eternal life hinges on knowing both of them, but the way to it is through the Door.
    Glad to see at last after all the hammering of all posters on here not just by me that you are starting to understand that the OT was written without the full knowledge of who God is, so hope that you keep this in mind when you quote it and stop jumping up and down and saying see this is what the bible says
    The OT written without the full knowledge of God and Christ assumed the above, and also the nature and substance of God’s makeup, with Jesus coming down and doing what only God can do we know differently as Jesus revealed who God really is.

    OT times it said Yehowah alone, but we know full well that he was always going to do this through a future one.
    So, either Yehowah is alone or He is not, as you said above in the OT the full story wasn’t known, we definitely know there is also Jesus, that makes 2, Yehowah and Jesus, Father and Son, unless they are one of the same there is a problem with God being one, John tells us the Word was with God and the same word was God, later the Word becoming Flesh, the same very Word that was with God

    Hence the Bible says, God sent the Son to be the saviour of the world.

    Correct, to sent someone that someone has to exist in the first place, we see the “Word” existed, then coming down and taking the form of a human lowering itself as to partake onto the salvation of humanity’s sins, as we see in the OT sacrifices, Jesus partook once and for all time that sacrifice for our forgiveness of sins as in Heb 10 it is impossible that the blood of bulls and goats take away sins. For this reason, when he came into the world, he said “Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, but a body you prepared for me; By this “will,” we have been consecrated through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all= door

    Bible verse just reference the Father as the Saviour and other it is Jesus, so it is in effect now, a joint effect, God and His Son and not one God here, defining them both as you are falsely claiming.

    Correct, both who saves, but if you look at all the verse God maintains that He is one, alone, there is no other, and He only saves nobody else, no helpers no nothing

    But John tells us the “Word” was with God and the “Word” was God= with or together as one
    The “Word” not God the father came down and became Flesh = Jesus

    Since the Word was with God, in union with God and the Word itself was God what was achieved by Jesus (the Word) in effect its attributed to Godhead as a whole

    On earth Jesus always made reference in pointing to the one God

    We see the Father working on His own, He’s not the Son
    We see the Son working on His own, He’s not the Father
    And We also see the Holy Spirit working on His Own, He’s neither the same person as the Father or the Son

    They all work on their own, but containing the same nature and substance working as one = the Trinity all leading humanity to eternal life
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