The way, the truth, and the life – Jesus Christ, page-25

  1. 6,761 Posts.
    There is only one God, one saviour, one mediator, one faith, one Lord, one true religion, one holy book, one gospel and one way of salvation that leads to eternal life.

    Apart from the One God, the rest of that line is the greatest lie ever perpetrated by religion. It's that colonial, imperial, tyrannical thinking that enabled the Western World and a religion they borrowed from the Middle East to be moulded into a weapon to crush and obliterate peoples and cultures across the planet without respect or regard for others.

    Jesus Christ is the way for Christians, not everybody is Christian. There is one God but many religions, all equal. Jesus Christ is one Teacher of many, all equal. There are many holy books, all equal and there are many paths up the mountain, but try and tell a Christian that. Their love has very defined limits.

    You have laid out a perfect example of why religion does not work. Imagine a God if you can who loves all of humanity equally all at once and never left anybody behind without said love and guidance, wouldn't that be something. As we see if we care to look, every race, creed and tribe on earth had their own spiritual beliefs, with relatively common moral codes.

    Or you can imagine a God so unjust, unequal in His love for humanity, so powerless that the best He could do was dump His word in a tiny country and then wait 2000 years for delusional peanuts to spread their version of His word around the world. This is the Christian God.

    You should be aware that the shepherd guards his flock so that at a later date he can eat them.
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